Con. 7352-13. GS-9933
(3 Hours) [Total Marks : 100]
N.B. : (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions.
(3) Draw neat labelled diagram wherever necessary.
(4) Answers to each new questions to be started on a fresh page.
1. (a) | Draw the block diagram of 80386 DX processor and explain each block in brief. | 10 |
(b) | Differentiate segmentation in real mode and in protected mode. | 5 |
(c) | Discuss the register set of 80386 processor. | 5 |
2. (a) | What are the different types of instruction Hazards ? Explain in detail. | 10 |
(b) | Draw and explain Pentium processor architecture. | 10 |
3. (a) | Explain dynamic branch prediction logic of Pentium processor. | 10 |
(b) | Explain different stages of Integer pipeline and floating point pipeline of Pentium | 10 |
processor. | ||
4. (a) | Compare Super SPARC and Ultra SPARC processor. Draw and explain in brief | 10 |
the architecture of Super SPARC. | ||
(b) | Explain the Itanium processor with respect to instruction format, core pipeline | 10 |
stages and the functionality. | ||
5. (a) | Explain the Cache Organization of Pentium processor. | 10 |
(b) | Draw and explain the state diagram of MESI transitions that occur within the. | 10 |
Pentium's data Cache memory. | ||
6. (a) | Explain EFLAGS bits of Pentium. | 10 |
(b) | State the features of PCI bus. Draw a work station based on PCI bus and explain. | 10 |
7. | Write short notes on :- (any two) | 20 |
(a) Layered architecture of SCSI | ||
(b) USB | ||
(c) VESA. |
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