Con.3719-10 (REVISED COURSE) AN-4228
(3 Hours) [Total Marks:-100]
N.B: (1) Question No.1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four questions from the remaining questions.
1. (a) Define DFA and state applications of Finite Automata in brief. [5 Marks]
(b) Obtain a grammer to generate the language
Automata. [5 Marks]
2. (a) (i) Obtain DFA to accept string's of a a's and b's with even no of a's and even no of a's and
even no. of b's. [10 Marks]
(ii) Obtain a regular expression such that L(R) = {W |W with atleast three consecutive's zeros.
(b) Give Mealy and Moore machine for input ends in 110, output should be y, otherwise output
should be z. [10 Marks]
3. (a) Design PDA for the following languages. [10 Marks]
L(M) = {WCwR} Wε{a,b} where wR is reverse of W and C is constant. [10 Marks]
(b) For the grammar
S -> aABC
A -> aB/a
B -> bA/b
C -> a
Obtain the corresponding PDA.
4. (a) Using Pumping Lemma theorem, show that following grammars are not regular:- [10 Marks]
(b) Construct reduced DFA for language represented by [10 Marks]
5. (a) Convert the following grammar in Chomsky Normal form [10 Marks]
S -> ASB/ε
B -> Sbs/A/bb
A -> aAS/a
(b) Show that the following grammar is ambiguous [10 Marks]
S -> aSbs
B -> bSaS
A ->
6. (a) Design TM that replaces all occurrences of "111" by "101" from sequence of 0's
and 1's. [10 Marks]
(b) Define post correspondence problem and prove that PCP with two lists x = {b,bab3,ba} and
y = {b3, ba,a} have a solution. [10 Marks]
7. (a) Minimize the following DFA, where q3 and q5 are final states [10 Marks]
(b) Write short notes on:- [20 Marks]
(i) Universal Turing Machine
(ii) P & NP problems.
(3 Hours) [Total Marks:-100]
N.B: (1) Question No.1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four questions from the remaining questions.
1. (a) Define DFA and state applications of Finite Automata in brief. [5 Marks]
(b) Obtain a grammer to generate the language
(c) State and prove Pumping Lemma Theorem for regular languages. [5 Marks]
(d) Differentiate deterministic Push Down Automata and Non-deterministic Push DownAutomata. [5 Marks]
2. (a) (i) Obtain DFA to accept string's of a a's and b's with even no of a's and even no of a's and
even no. of b's. [10 Marks]
(ii) Obtain a regular expression such that L(R) = {W |W with atleast three consecutive's zeros.
(b) Give Mealy and Moore machine for input ends in 110, output should be y, otherwise output
should be z. [10 Marks]
3. (a) Design PDA for the following languages. [10 Marks]
L(M) = {WCwR} Wε{a,b} where wR is reverse of W and C is constant. [10 Marks]
(b) For the grammar
S -> aABC
A -> aB/a
B -> bA/b
C -> a
Obtain the corresponding PDA.
4. (a) Using Pumping Lemma theorem, show that following grammars are not regular:- [10 Marks]
(b) Construct reduced DFA for language represented by [10 Marks]
5. (a) Convert the following grammar in Chomsky Normal form [10 Marks]
S -> ASB/ε
B -> Sbs/A/bb
A -> aAS/a
(b) Show that the following grammar is ambiguous [10 Marks]
S -> aSbs
B -> bSaS
A ->
6. (a) Design TM that replaces all occurrences of "111" by "101" from sequence of 0's
and 1's. [10 Marks]
(b) Define post correspondence problem and prove that PCP with two lists x = {b,bab3,ba} and
y = {b3, ba,a} have a solution. [10 Marks]
7. (a) Minimize the following DFA, where q3 and q5 are final states [10 Marks]
(b) Write short notes on:- [20 Marks]
(i) Universal Turing Machine
(ii) P & NP problems.
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