Thursday, June 26, 2014

OBJECT ORIENTED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (OOSE), B.E. Computer Science (CS), Semester 6, December 2011.


B.E. Computer Science (CS), Semester 6, December 2011.

(3 Hours)
[Total Mark: 100]

N. B.: (1) Question no 1 is compulsory.

(2) Attempt any four questions out of the remaining six questions.

1. (a) Draw the detailed class diagram for the following scenario:- --- (10 Marks)
A product is to be installed to control elevators in a building with m floors. The problem concerns the logic required to move elevators between floors according to the following constraints.
Each elevator has a set of m buttons, one for each floor. These illuminates when pressed & cause the elevator to visit the corresponding floor. The illumination is cancelled when the elevator visit the corresponding floor.
Each floor except the first floor & top floor has two buttons, one to request the up elevator and one to request the down elevator. These buttons illuminate when pressed. The illumination is cancelled when an elevator visits the floor & then moves in the desired direction.

(b) Explain COCOMO model used for software estimation. --- (10 Marks)

2. (a) Explain the following with suitable example: --- (10 Marks)

Aggregation, Generalization, Association, Role, Dependency.

(b) What is sequence diagram? What are the elements used in sequence diagram, explain each. --- (10 Marks)

3. (a) Explain coupling & cohesion. Explain different types of coupling and cohesion. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Explain how to map different types of association and generalization relationship to code. --- (10 Marks)

4. (a) Construct an Activity Diagram for processing the mortgage requests. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Explain RAD and Spiral Model for Software development. --- (10 Marks)

5. (a) What is requirement ? Explain the different types of requirements in detail. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Explain debugging process in details. --- (10 Marks)

6. (a) Explain version control and change control. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Explain Reverse & Re- Engineering. ---- (10 Marks)

7. Write short notes on any two: --- (20 Marks)

(a) Types of Maintenance

(b) Regression Testing

(c) Task Network and Timeline Chart.

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