Saturday, June 21, 2014

OBJECT ORIENTED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (OOSE), B.E. Computer Science (CS), Semester 6, December 2010.


B.E. Computer Science (CS), Semester 6, December 2010.
GT- 7560
(3 Hours)
[Total Mark: 100]

N. B.: (1) Question no 1 is compulsory.

(2) Attempt any four questions out of the remaining six questions.

1. A leading TEAVEL AGENCY has decided to develop application package to help its customers is planning tours. The agency provides services like tour, air, railway, luxury coach, hotel booking etc. Many a time’s customers do not have idea of availability of transport services to a particular destination. The agency also gives advice regarding economical planning of vacation/ tour. Given the tour constraints like number of days, affordable cost and places to visit the software should present alternative tour plans. Alternatively the software may be just used for querying to know availability of transport services, hotels etc. Besides this main objective of this software should also have facilities for billing and accounting for the agency. You are appointed as a consultant to develop implementation strategy for Automated Tourist System. Draw use case and class diagram. --- (20 Marks)

2.(a) Explain how project scheduling and tracking is done for a software development project. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Explain objective for testing. Also explain the following terms: --- (10 Marks)

(i) System Testing

(ii) Scalability

(iii) Regression

(iv) Black Box testing.

3. (a) What is deployment diagram? Explain the elements of deployment diagram. Give the use of diagram in detail. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Differentiate between Static modelling and Dynamic modelling in detail. --- (10 Marks)

4. (a) Construct the state diagram and interaction diagram for the online Railway Reservation System. --- (10 Marks)

(b) State different types of coupling and Cohesion. Explain any for techniques of coupling and cohesion. --- (10 Marks)

5. (a) Explain Software Configuration Management and Change Control Management in detail. --- (10 Marks)

(b) What are different types of maintenance and also explain the different steps involved in creating a maintenance log. --- (10 Marks)

6. (a) Explain how to map different types of association to the database. Also explain how to map generalization to database. ---- (10 Marks)

(b) What is an Agile Process? Explain any one Agile Process model with its advantages and disadvantages. --- (10 Marks)

7. Write short notes on any two: --- (20 Marks)

(a) Reverse and Re-engineering

(b) Software Architecture Style

(c) SQA

(d) Software Testing Strategies.

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