Con. 9723-13. GS-1219
(3 Hours) [Total Marks : 100]
N.B. : (1) Answer any five questions out of seven.
(2) Each question carries equal marks.
1. (a) | Explain ATM Adaptation layer giving details of different classes of traffic. | 10 |
(b) | Explain X.25 protocol stack, detailing operation of X.25/3 (Network layer). | 10 |
2. (a) | What are the advantages of MPLS compared to IP over ATM ? Explain MPLS switching | 10 |
using level stacking. | ||
(b) | Explain SNMP MIB structure by giving example. Also expalin different types of | 10 |
messages exchanged. | ||
3. (a) | Explain how reservation in the Intserv model is carried out using RSVP protocol. What | 10 |
are different RSVP messages sent ? | ||
(b) | Explain the operating principle of DWDM technology. | 10 |
4. (a) | What are the requirements of a Backbone Network Design ? | 10 |
(b) | What is the role of subnet mask in classless as well as classbase IP routing ? Explain | 10 |
with the help of examples. | ||
5. (a) | How traffic characteristics affect the network design while doing capacity planning ? | 10 |
(b) | Explain why unicasting routing protocols are not used for multicasting. Explain any | 10 |
one multicasting routing protocol in detail. | ||
6. (a) | Write a connection oriented socket program for client server communication in either | 10 |
C++ or Java. | ||
(b) | Compare and contrast IP V4 with IPV6. | 10 |
7. | Short note on any four :- | 20 |
(a) H. 323 | ||
(b) SONET/SDH | ||
(c) M/M/1 Queuing theory | ||
(d) BGP | ||
(e) B-ISDN reference model. |
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