Con. 3999-12. GN-7208
(3 Hours) [Total Marks : 100]
(2) Out of remaining six questions, attempt any four questions.
(3) In all 5 questions to be attempted.
(4) Figures to the right indicate marks.
1. (a) | Enlist the instruction pairing rules of U and V pipeline in Pentium. | 5 | |
(b) | Write short note on Intel's Net burst micro architecture. | 5 | |
(c) | Draw the data flow graph for computation of integer power Z = Xn of an | 5 | |
input number X. | |||
(d) | State the use of following x 86 flags : | 5 | |
RF, TF, VM, NT, IOPL. | |||
2. (a) | Explain how the flushing of pipeline is minimized in Pentium architecture. | 10 | |
(b) | Explain in brief integer instruction pipeline stages of Pentium processor. List the | 10 | |
steps instruction issue algorithm. | |||
3. (a) | differentiate between Pentium and Pentium pro-processors wrt size of address/data | 10 | |
bus, addressable memory virtual memory, L2 cache, generation, SMP support, | |||
integer pipeline stages, no. of integer pipes, floating point pipeline stages, no. of | |||
floating point pipes. | |||
(b) | State the features of Intel ltanium processor. Draw the block diagram of ltanium | 10 | |
processor and explain in brief. | |||
4. (a) | Explain segmentation and paging in protected mode of 80386 processor. | 10 | |
(b) | Explain the Debug registers of 80386 DX processor. | 10 | |
5. (a) | Consider the following reservation table for a unifunction pipeline :- |
(i) Find the forbidden set of latencies | 2 | |
(ii) State the collision vector | 1 | |
(iii) Draw the state transition diagram | 5 | |
(iv) List simple cycles and greedy cycles | 1 | |
(v) Calculate MAL (minimal average latency). | 1 | |
(b) | Explain static data flow computer architecture with example. | 10 |
6. (a) | Differentiate between real mode and protected mode of X 86 family. | 10 |
(b) | Explain Cache organization of Pentium. | 10 |
7. | Write short notes on :- | |
(a) Structure of segment descriptor | 5 | |
(b) USB | 5 | |
(c) Layered architecture of SCSI | 5 | |
(d) EISA. | 5 |
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