Monday, June 16, 2014

Computer Graphic (CG) Semester 4 (Revised Course) (3 Hours) December 2009

Computer Graphic

Computer Graphic (CG)
Semester 4 (Revised Course)
(3 Hours) December 2009


[Total Marks : 100]

N.B: (1) Questions no 1 is compulsory.  
  (2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions.  
  (3) Assume suitable data if necessary and justify the same  
1. (a) Explain Liang Barsky line Clipping algorithm and hence find the clipping candidates of line AB with end points (7, 5) and (9, 7), window boundaries given are (4, 4) and (10, 9). 10
  (b) Clearly differentiate between random scan and raster scan system. 05
  (c) Explain even-odd test to determine whether points is inside or outside of polygon. 05
2. (a) Explain midpoint ellipse algorithm with all required mathematical representation. 12
  (b) Explain scan line are conversion algorithm with suitable example. 08
3. (a) Prove that -
(i) 2D rotation and scaling commute if sx = sy or if Q n π  for integral n and that otherwise it do not.
(ii) Two successive rotations are additive i.e. R(Q1) R(Q2) = R (Q1 + Q2).
  (b) What is window and viewport. Assuming the window and viewport to be rectangular, derive the steps and the respective transformation matrix for transforming a point (Xw Yw) in a window to point  (Xv Yv) in viewport. 10
4. (a) Explain Sutherland Hodgmann polygon clipping algorithm with example. 10
  (b) Explain Warnock's algorithm used to remove hidden surfaces with example. 10
5. (a) Give properties and mathematical  equations for Bezier curve. Given the vertices of Bezier polygon as : Pο (1, 1), P1 (2, 3), P2< (4, 3) and P3 (3, 1), determine five points on Bezier curve. 12
  (b) Explain and compare boundary fill and flood fill algorithm. 08
6. (a) Explain Parallel and perspective projections. Derive the matrix for perspective projection. 10
  (b) What do you mean by segment? What are the various attributes in segment table? State which operations can be done on segments and explain the same. 10
7. Write short notes on the following any four :- 20
  (a) Fractals  
  (b) Specular Reflection  
  (c) Gouraud Shading  
  (d) Dithering techniques  
  (e) Half Toning  
  (f) Color Models.  

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