Saturday, May 31, 2014

Microprocessor (MP), B.E. Computer Science (CS), Semester 5, December 2009.

Microprocessor (MP), B.E. Computer Science (CS),

Semester 5, December 2009.
(3 Hours)
[Total Mark: 100]

N. B.: 1) Question no 1 is compulsory.

(2) Solve any four questions from the remaining six questions.

1. Design a 8086 based system consisting of the following:- --- (20Marks)

(a) 8086 microprocessor working at 8 MHz.

(b) EPROM of 64 KB using 32 KB devices.

(c) SRAM of 32 KB using 16 KB devices.

(d) 1 input, 1 output port (both 16 bit), interrupt devices.

Explain the design. Also show the memory and I/O map.

2. (a) Write a program using 8086 to transfer a block of data using string instructions. Also draw the flowchart of the same. --- (8 Marks)

(b) Explain the interrupt structure of the 8085 microprocessor with a neat diagram. --- (12 Marks)

3. (a) Explain the necessity of a bus controller in the 8086 maximum mode system. Also explain the 8288 Bus controller in detail. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Show an interfacing diagram of the 8086 with the 8237 DMA controller. What are the advantages of Direct memory access? Enumerate with two Practical examples. ---- (10 Marks)

4. Explain the need of Bus arbitration. What are the various Bus arbitration schemes in loosely coupled systems? Draw a multiprocessor system of Z-8086 modules using the 8289 Bus arbitor. Explain the diagram. --- (20 Marks)

5. (a) Explain the following with respect to the 8259 PIC: --- (12 Marks)

(i) Sperial Fully Nested Mode.

(ii) Sperial Mask Mode

(iii) Initialization program-of the 8259

(iv) Function of the pin SP/EN.

(b) Draw and explain how the adders/data bus is demultiplexed in the 8085.---(8 Marks)

6. (a) What is segmented memory? Enumerate the advantages of segmented memory with reference to the 8086 microprocessor. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Compare the 8085 and the 8086 microprocessor with respect to architecture, Instruction set, speed, etc. [At least 8 points] :---- (10 marks)

7. Write short notes on (any four) :- --- (20 Marks)

(a) Serial communication using the RS-232C

(b) Modes of operation of the 8253 PIT

(c) DRAM interfacing in 8086 systems

(d) 8284 Clock Generator

(e) Software interrupts in 8086

(f) Temperature Controller using 8086.



Con. 7037-13.                                                                                                    GS-8748
                                                      (3 Hours)                                            [Total Marks : 100]

N.B. : (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
          (2) Solve any four out of remaining questions.
          (3) Suitable assumptions can be made if required.

1. (a)Construct an EER diagram for an airline database. The database contains8
information about passengers, flights, departure, employees of the airline
and aircraft. For passengers name. address, phone no. and related
information is to be stored. For employees, the company want to record the
name, address, salary, identification no. and flight information. Not all
employees can fly aircraft-but just the Pilots. For all these employees, it
is required to record the qualification i.e. what kind of plane they can fly.
For planes it is required to record the model and manufactures of the plane.
The airline has many aircraft of a certain type. For flights the airline needs
to keep the information like ; flight no., origin, destination, departure time and
arrival time. Note that for the same source-destination, there can be many
flights per week. Relevent assumptions, if required can be made.
    (b)Convert the above EER diagram into Relational sceema.6
    (c)Write three typical queries in SQL3.6

2. (a)

State the purpose of two phase commit protocol. Explain two phases in detail.

    (b)Explain the need of Replication. How Quries are processed in Replicated10
Distributed databases ?

3. (a)

Explain Hash join algorithm.

    (b)What are the main architectures used for building parallel databases ? Give10
advantages and disadvantages of each.

4. (a)

What is data transparency ? Explain the types transparencies distributed

database should achieve.
    (b)How concurrency control is achieved in distributed database systems ?10

5. (a)

What is heuristic rule in query optimization ? Explain transformation rules.

    (b)Explain nested loop join and block nested loop join algorithm in query10

6. (a)

Explain merge sorting in query processing.

    (b)Explain macro life cycle in database design methodology.10


Write notes on (any two) :-

      (a) Object relational features in SQL3
      (b) Measures of query cost
      (c) XML Schema elements.



Con.6757-13.                                                                                                        LJ-11260.

                                                                 (3 Hours)                                      [Total Marks: 100]

N.B.: (1) Question No.1 is compulsory.
         (2) Solve any four question Nos.2 to 7.
         (3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
         (4) Assume any suitable data wherever required.

1. (a) Explain different types of transparencies in distributed database. [10 Marks]
         Consider the following schema: -
             Emp (eno, ename,title)
             Proj (pno, pname, budget, Loc)
             Pay (title, salary)
             Assignment (eno, pno, responsibility, duration)
             (i) Give 2 examples of horizontal and vertical fragmentation each.
            (ii) Give the derived horizontal fragmentation on emp & pay relation. Write the
                 resultant fragments.
     (b) Explain heuristic approach of query processing with relevant examples. [10 Marks]

2. (a) Explain Hash join and external Sorting Algorithm in detail. [12 Marks]
    (b) Explain conceptual design phase of database life cycle. [8 Marks]

3. (a) In SQL3 how the type inheritance and table inheritance implemented? Explain with suitable
          examples. [10 Marks] 
    (b) Explain left, right, outer, inner, equi join, pattern matching with example. [10 Marks]

4. (a) Draw and explain architectures for parallel databases. [10 Marks]
    (b) Explain mapping of Generalization, Specialization, Union/category with relevant
          examples. [10 Marks]

5. (a) Consider the following DTD:-
          <!DOCTYPE Parts[
          <!ELEMENT part (name, subpartinfo*)>
          <!ELEMENT subpartinfo (part, quantity)>
          <!ELEMENT name (# PCDATA)>
          <!ELEMENT quantity (#PCDATA)>
           (i) Give a small example of data corresponding to the above DTD. [5 Marks]
          (ii) Show how to map this DTD to a relational schema. You can assume that part names
                are unique. [5 Marks]
    (b) Discuss deadlock handling techniques in distributed database. [10 Marks]

6. (a) Expalin cost functions for SELECT operation. [10 Marks]
    (b) Compare RDBMS, OODBMS and ORDBMS. [10 Marks]

7. Write a short notes on (any four):- [20 Marks]
     (a) Nested Relations
     (b) XQuery
     (c) EXIST and NOT EXIST
     (d) Client-server architecture
     (e) Bloom Join Techniques

Friday, May 30, 2014



1. (a)Explain the difference between OSI and TCP/IP Model(05)

Explain different framing methods.



Explain ALOHA in detail.


Differentiate TCP and UDP.


2. (a)

Describe OSI Reference Model with a neat diagram.


Explain sliding window protocol using Go Back-N technique.


3. (a)

Explain any five functions of Data Link layer with suitable example



Explain the working of network components and state in which layer

they work. Repeaters, Hubs, Bridges, Switches, Routers, Gateways.

4. (a)

Differentiate between Virtual Circuit and Datagram Networks.



Explain Distance Vector Routing and its count to infinity problem.


5. (a)

What is IPv 4 protocol? Explain the IPv4 Header format with diagram.



Explain three way Handshake techniques in TCP.


6. (a)

For the message frame 11010111011 and G(x)=x4+x+1, Show the

transmitted frame.
(b)Explain Classless Inter Domain Routing (CIDR).(10)


Write short note on (any two) : -







QoS of internetworking.


Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) & its types.

COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE (COA), B.E. Computer Science (CS), Semester 4, May 2013.


B.E. Computer Science (CS), Semester 4, May 2013.
(3 Hours)
[Total Mark: 100]
N. B.: (1) Question no 1 is compulsory.

(2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions.

(3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.

(4) Answer to each new question to be started on fresh page.

1. (a) Explain different Instruction formates with suitable example. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Define following terms: - --- (10 Marks)

(i) Computer Organization

(ii) Computer Architecture

(iii) MDR

(iv) PC

(v) SP

2. (a) Explain Instruction cycle with interrupt executive in detail. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Compare and explain static and dynamic data flow computers. --- (10 Marks)

3. (a) Explain IEEE- 754 formates. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Explain cache memory mapping with pipelined processor. --- (10 Marks)

4. (a) Explain Micro-programmed control unit in detail. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Explain 6- stages Instruction execution with pipelined processor. --- (10 Marks)

5. (a) Explain types of memories based on the hierarchy of speed and size. – (10 Marks)

(b) Define “(Input/Output) I/O Module”. State the difference between Programmable and Non – programmable devices with suitable examples. --- (10 Marks)

6. (a) Compare RISC and CISC processors. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Explain Interleaved Memory with low- order and high- order Interleaving. --- (10 Marks)

7. Write short notes on any four of the following: ---- (20 Marks)

a) RAID Memory

b) Booth’s Algorithm

c) MIMD and SIMD

d) Paging and Segmentation.

e) Page Replacement Algorithm.

COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE (COA), B.E. Computer Science (CS), Semester 4, December 2012.

B.E. Computer Science (CS), Semester 4, December 2012.
(3 Hours)
[Total Mark: 100]
N. B.: (1) Question no 1 is compulsory.

(2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions.

(3) Draw neat labelled diagram wherever necessary.

(4) Answer to each new question to be started on fresh page.

1. (a) Explain Van- Neumann Architecture. --- (6 Marks)

(b) Compare Computer Organization and Computer Architecture with Example. --- (4 Marks)

(c) Explain different Mapping techniques of cache Memory. --- (10 Marks)

2. (a) Compare and contrast DMA, programmed I/O and Interrupt driven I/O. ---(10 Marks)

(b) Compare SRAM and DRAM. ---(5 Marks)

(c) Compare RISC and CISC. --- (5 Marks)

3. (a) Explain design of control unit with respect to Soft wired and Hardwired approach. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Explain IEEE-754 standard formates to represent floating point numbers. --- (10 Marks)

4. (a) What is cache coherency? Explain different protocols to solve cache coherency. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Explain Non- Restoring division algorithm for performing 19/4. --- (10 Marks)

5. (a) Explain multiplication of signed numbers – 13* - 5 using Booth’s algorithm. --- (10 Marks)

(b) What is virtual memory? Explain role of paging and segmentation in virtual memory. --- (10 Marks)

6. (a) Explain SPARC processor in detail. --- (10 Marks)

(b) What is difference between pipelining and parallelism? Show that k – stage pipelined processor has k – times speed up as compared to non- pipelined system. --- (10 Marks)

7. Write short notes on following any four: ---- (20 Marks)

(a) Wave front Array

(b) RAID Memory

(c) Static and dynamic dataflow computer

(d) Systolic Processor

(e) I/O Processor and I/O Channels

(f) Characteristics of two level memory.

Database Management Systems (DBMS) Semester 4 (Revised Course) (3 Hours) May 2010

Database Management Systems

Database Management Systems (DBMS)
Semester 4 (Revised Course)
(3 Hours) May 2010


[Total Marks : 60]

N.B: (1) Question no.1 is compulsory.  
  (2) Solve any four questions from remaining.  
  (3) Make suitable assumptions if needed.  
1. (a) Draw an E-R diagram and reduce it to relational database model for a university database for scheduling of classrooms for final exams. This database could be modelled using entities as
exam (course_name, section_number, room_number, time);
course (name, department, C_number),
room (r_number, capacity, building).
Entity section is dependent on course.
  (b) What is recoverable schedule? Why recoverability of schedule is desirable? Explain recovery with concurrent transaction? 10
2. (a) Explain view serializability and conflict seralizability with proper example? 10
  (b) Explain following terms with suitable example :-
(i) primary Key     (ii) Candidate Key     (iii) Foreign Key     (iv) Super Key.
3. (a) For the following given database, write SQL queries :-
     Person (driver_id #, Name, address)
     car (license, model, year)
     accident (report_no, date, location)
     owns (driver_id #, license )
     Participated (driver_id, Car, report_number, damage_amount)
(i) Find the total number of people who owned cars that were involved in accident in 1995. 04
(ii) Find the number of accidents in which the cars belonging to "Sunil K." were involved. 03
(iii) Update the damage amount for car with license number "Mum2022" in the accident with report number "AR2197" to Rs. 5000. 03
  (b) Explain following relational algebra with suitable example :-
     (i) Natural Join
     (ii) Assignment
     (iii) Set intersection
     (iv) Generalization Projection.
4. (a) What is transaction? Discuss ACID properties of transcation? 10
  (b) Define normalization? Explain 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, and BCNF? 10
5. (a) What do you mean by deadlock? What are various techniques for deadlock prevention and detection? 10
  (b) Explain various types of constraints with an example? 10
6. (a) Explain insertion of entry in B+ tree. 10
  (b) Explain various functions of a database administrator? List five responsibilities of a DBMS? 10
7. Write short notes on the following :- 20
  (a) Generalization and Specialization  
  (b) Buffer Management  
  (c) Security and Authorization in DBMS  
  (d) Hashing.  

Database Management Systems (DBMS) Semester 4 (Revised Course) (3 Hours) December 2009

Database Management Systems

Database Management Systems (DBMS)
Semester 4 (Revised Course)
(3 Hours) December 2009


[Total Marks : 60]

N.B: (1) Question no.1 is compulsory.  
  (2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions.  
1. (a) Define following terms with example :-
     (i) Single and composite attributes
     (ii) Single valued and multivalued attributes
     (iii) Entity Set
     (iv) Relationship Set
     (v) Aggregation
  (b) What do you mean by Database Management System? Why would you choose a database system instead of simply storing the data in operating system files? 10
2. (a) For the given database write SQL queries :-
     employee (eid, employee_name, street, city)
     Works (eid, cid, salary)
     Comapny (cid, company_name, city)
     Manager (eid, Manager_name)
(i) Find the names, street and city of all employees who work for "ABC" and earn more than Rs. 20,000. 04
(ii) Find the name of all employees having "i" as the second letter in their names. 03
(iii) Display the annual salary of all employees. 03
  (b) Discuss the different security and authorization mechanisms in database management system 10
3. (a) For the following problem draw an E-R diagram :-
"ABC Company" is a software company, that has several employees working on different types of projects, on different platforms. Projects have different schedules and may be in one of several phases. Each project has a project leader and team member at different levels.
  (b) List the ACID properties. Explain the usefulness of each. 10
4. (a) Explain type of constraints with an example. 10
  (b) Explain 1NF, 2NF and 3NF with suitable example. 10
5. (a) What is Recoverable Schedule? Why recoverability of schedule is desirable?
Are there any circumstances under which it would be desirable to allow non-recoverable schedule? Explain.
  (b) Explain the insertion of entry in a B* tree. 10
6. (a) Compare shadow page recovery scheme with log based recovery scheme. 10
  (b) Explain following relational algebra operations :-
     (i) Generalized Projection
     (ii) Set Difference
     (iii) Assignment
     (iv) Aggregate.
7. Write short notes on the following :- 20
  (a) Timestamp ordering protocol  
  (b) Triggers  
  (c) Database administrator  
  (d) Group by and order by clause in SQL.  



Con.5556-10                                         (REVISED COURSE)                         GT-6699

                                                                     (3 Hours)                             [Total Marks : 100]

N.B.: (1) Question No.1 is compulsory.
         (2) Attempt any four out of remaining six questions.
         (3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. (a) Describe any five design issues for the Layers. [5 Marks]
    (b) What is the essential difference between Message Switching and Packet
          Switching? [5 Marks]
    (c) Why does the Data Link Protocol always put the CRC in a trailer rather than in
          header? [5 Marks] 
    (d) A network on the internet has a subnet mask What is the maximum number
         of hosts it can be handle? Explain. [5 Marks]

2. (a)Describe the OSI Reference Model with a neat diagram. [10 Marks]
    (b) Discuss the difference between ADSL and Cable for use in Cable Television. [5 Marks]
    (c) Explain the different Framing Methods. [5 Marks]

 3. (a) An 8-bit byte with binary value 10101111 is to  be encoded using an even-parity
          Hamming code. What is the binary value after encoding? [5 Marks]
     (b) Explain ALOHA in detail. [5 Marks]
     (c) Explain Sliding Window Protocol using Go Back - N technique. [10 Marks]

4. (a) Discuss the different ways to allocate a single Broadcast Channel among competing
         users. [5 Marks]    
    (b) Discuss the working of Switched Ethernet with suitable example. [10 Marks]
    (c) Discuss the use of Spanning Tree Bridges in Data Link Layer Switching. [5 Marks]

5. (a) A router has the following (CIDR) entries its routing table. [10 Marks]
              Address/Mask                                             Next Hop
                                                 Interface 0
                                                 Interface 1
                                                 Router 1
              Default                                                          Router 2
       For each of the following IP address, what does the router do if a packet with that
       address arrives?
           i.           ii.
          iii.            iv.
    (b) How does the Token Bucket algorithm works? [5 Marks]
    (c) Discuss the quality -of-service requirements for Audio on Demand. [5 Marks]

6. (a) What is the function of TCP protocol? Discuss its Header format. [10 Marks]
    (b) Discuss the Window Management in TCP transmission policy with a neat diagram. [5 Marks]
    (c) Discuss the working of Transactional TCP. [5 Marks]

7. Write short notes on(Any four): -[20 Marks]
    (a) Features of IPV6 protocol
    (b) Difference between Hubs and Switches.
    (c) Bluetooth Architecture.
    (d) 802.11 Frame structure.
    (e) Adhoc Networking.   

Thursday, May 29, 2014



1.Answer following questions in brief :-20
    (a)What is the principle difference between connectionless communication(5x4)
and connection oriented communication ?
    (b)Consider the delay of pure ALOHA versus slotted ALOHA at low load.
Which one is less ? Explain four answer.
    (c)Give one advantages of RPC on UDP over transactional TCP. Give one
advantage TCP over RPC.
    (d)Compare and contrast a circuit switching and packet switching network.

2. (a)

Define fragmentation and explain why the IPV4 and IPV6 protocols need

to fragment some packets. Is there any difference between the two
protocols in this matter ?
    (b)An 8 bit byte with binary values 10101111 is to be encoded using an even10
parity Hamming code. What is the binary value after encoding ?

3. (a)

What is the function of TCP protocol ? Discuss it's header format.

    (b)Explain sliding window protocol using Go Back-M Techniques.

4. (a)

Explain Dijkstra's algorithm as shortest path routing with example

    (b)Explain working of following network components and state in which layer
they work. Repealers, Hubs, Bridges, Routers and Switches and Gateways.

5. (a)

What is IPV4 protocol? Explain the IPV4 Header format with diagram.

    (b)What is purpose of Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) ? Explain ADSL.

6. (a)

What are transport service primitives ?

    (b)Explain framing, flow and error control in data Link layer.


Write short notes on (any four) of the following :-
      (a) SONET
      (b) ADHOC Networking
      (c) Bluetooth Architecture
      (d) Comparison of 802.3 and 802.11
      (e) Berkeley Socket.



Con. 3471-10                                 (REVISED COURSE)                                AN-4225

                                                                 (3 Hours)                                     [Total Marks: 100]

N.B.: (1) Question No.1 is compulsory.
         (2) Attempt any four out of remaining six questions.
         (3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. (a) What is the difference between protocol and service interface? Explain your answer in terms
          of the OSI 7 layer model. [10 Marks]
    (b) Describe any five functions of data link layer with suitable example. [10 Marks] 

2. (a) Explain one-bit sliding window protocol i detail. [10 Marks]
    (b) Explain ALOHA and slotted ALOHA in detail. [10 Marks]

3. (a) Explain Dijkstra's Algorithm as shortest path routing with example. [10 Marks]
    (b) Explain the working of Leaky Bucket Algorithm. Why Leaky Bucket Algorithm is used in
         Computer Network. [10 Marks]

4. (a) Draw and explain the structure of JP Frame Header. [10 Marks]
    (b) Explain classful Addressing in IPU4. [10 Marks]

5. (a) What is count to infinity problem in distance vector routing? [10 Marks]
    (b) Explain Three way Handshake Technique in TCP. [10 Marks]

6. (a) Explain working of following Network components and state in which layer they work.
         Repeaters, Hubs, Bridgers, Routers, Switches, Gateways. [10 Marks]
    (b) Differentiate between virtual circuit and datagram subnets. [10 Marks]

7. Write short notes on:- [20 Marks]
     (a) AdHoc Networking
     (b) Comparison of 802.3 and 802.11
     (c) SONET
     (d) Differentiate Data Link Layer and Transport Layer
     (e) Quality of service (QOS) of Internetworking.

Database Management Systems (DBMS) Semester 4 (Revised Course) (3 Hours) May 2009

Database Management Systems

Database Management Systems (DBMS)
Semester 4 (Revised Course)
(3 Hours) May 2009


[Total Marks : 60]

N.B: (1) Question no.1 is compulsory.  
  (2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions.  
  (3) Make suitable assumptions if needed.  
1. (a) Describe the overall architecture of DBMS with diagram. 10
  (b) Define following terms with examples :-
     (i) Entity and Entity set
     (ii) Primary, candidate and superkey
     (iii) Aggregation
     (iv) Weak Entity set
     (v) Generalization and specialization.
2. (a) Draw an E-R diagram for a university database consisting of 4 entities :-
     (i) Student            (ii) Class
     (ii) Department    (iv) Faculty
and convert it to tables.
  • A student has a unique id, the student can enroll for multiple classes and has
    at-most one major.
  • Faculty must belong to department and faculty can take multiple classes.
  • Every student will get a grade for the class he/she has enrolled.
  (b) What is a purpose of wait-die and wound-wait scheme. For the following wait for graphs, state what will happen in case of wait-die and wound-wait schemes.
3. (a) Discuss the different security and authorization mechanisms in database management system. 10
  (b) For the given database, write SQL queries.
     Employee (Eid, Name Street, City)
     Works (Eid, Cid, Salary
     Manager (Eid, manager_Name)
     Company (Cid, Comapnay_Name, City)
(i)  Modify the database so that 'Jack' now lives in 'Newyork' 03
(ii)  Find all employees in the database who live in the same cities as the company for which they work 04
(iii) Give all employee s of 'ANZ' corporation dependencies :- 03



4. (a) Consider relation R(PQRSTU) with following dependencies :-
     P → Q, ST → PR, S → U.
State R is in which normal form? Decompose it no BCNF. Show step by step procedure.
  (b) Explain following relational algebra operations :-
     (i) Natural Join
     (ii) Assignment
     (iii) Generalization Projection
     (iv) Set inserction.
5. (a) Explain view serializablility and conflict serializability with proper examples. 10
  (b) What are triggers? Give an example. lllustrate the cases when triggers must not be used. 10
6. (a) Explain strict two phase locking protocol. Show that it ensures conflict serializability but does not ensure freedom from deadlocks. 10
  (b) What is a transaction ? Draw state transition diagram and explain properties of transaction. 10
7. Write short notes on :- 20
  (a) Integrity constraints  
  (b) Time stamp ordering protocol  
  (c) Shadow paging  
  (d) Hashing technique.  



Con. 4430-12                                                                                                 GN-8240
                                                    (3 Hours)                                          [Total Marks : 100]

N.B : (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
         (2) Solve any four questions out of the remaining.
         (3) Marks assigned to the sub-questions as indicated.

1. (a)With a neat diagram compare the uses and functions of different(10)
hardware components/devices used in an inter network.

    (b)Compare virtual circuits and datagram subnets and show their(10)
diagrammatic representation during congestion control.

2. (a)

What are the advantages of a variable length frame over fixed

length frames. Explain the different framing methods.

    (b)Explain FDMA, TDMA and CDMA(10)

3. (a)

Derive the efficiency of pure Aloha protocol


A receiver receives the code 11001100111. When it applies the

Hamming code algorithm the result is 0101. Which bit has the
error? What is the correct Hamming code?

4. (a)

Describe the IPv4 header format in detail.


Explain the three protocol scenarios for establishing a connection

using a 3-way handshake in TCP

5. (a)

Explain DVR routing algorithm and mention the drawbacks of the

algorithm when put into practice

Explain the working of Transactional TCP


6. (a)

List the design features to be taken care of as congestion

prevention policies in the different layers of network

Draw the layered structures and compare the two network

reference models-OSI and TCP/IP


Write notes on: (any two)
b) Ethernet frame formats
d) Satellite Communication



Con. 5487-09.                                   (REVISED COURSE)                           SP-8564
                                                                  (3 Hours)                                [Total Marks :-100]

N.B. 1. Question No.1 is compulsory.
         2. Attempt any four out of remaining six questions.
         3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. (a) Explain stop and wait protocol and sliding window protocol with example and suitable
         diagram. [10 Marks]
    (b) What is subnet address if the destination address is and subnet mask is
 [5 Marks] 
    (c) For message frame 1101011011 and G(x) = x4 + x + 1 show the transmitted frame. [5 Marks]

2. (a) Explain the need for the layered architecture in computer network. Explain how information
         is exchanged between two nodes using OSI model. [10 Marks] 
    (b) Explain framing, flow and error control in Data Link Layer. [10 Marks]

3. (a) What is the purpose of Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)? Explain ADSL. [10 Marks]
    (b) What is the difference in functionalities between a bridge and a repeater? Explain the
          process of learning in case of transparent bridge. [10 Marks] 

4. (a) What is Carrier Sense Multiple Access with collision avoidance(CSA/CA) protocol?
          Explain with timing diagram. [10 Marks]  
    (b) Differentiate between Virtual Circuit and datagram subnets. [10 Marks]

5. (a) What is count to infinity problem in distance vector routing? [10 Marks]
    (b) What are transport service primitives?  [10 Marks]

6. (a) How TCP controls the congestion? [10 Marks]
    (b) i. What is Address Resolution Protocol(ARP)? [5 Marks]
         ii. Explain Classless Inter Domain Routing (CIDR). [5 Marks] 

7. Write notes on : -(any four) [20 Marks]
     i) SONET
    ii) IEEE 802 .11WLAN
   iii) Berkeley Socket
   iv) Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
    v) Differentiate Between Hub and Switch

Discrete Structures (DS) Semester 3 (Revised Course) (3 Hours) December 2013

Discrete Structures

Discrete Structures (DS)
Semester 3 (Revised Course)
(3 Hours) December 2013


[Total Marks : 60]

N.B: (1) Question no.1 is compulsory.  
  (2) Attempt any three questions out of remaining four questions.  
  (3) Assumptions made should be clearly stated.  
  (4) Figures to the right indicate marks.  
  (5) Assume suitable data whatever required and justify it.  
1. (a) Prove that in full binery tree with n vertices, the number of pendant vertices is ( n + 1 )/2. 04
  (b) Let G be the set of rational numbers other than 1. Let define an operation * on G by a *b = a + b -ab for all a, b ∈G. Prove that (G, *) is a group. 06
  (c) Find the number of integers between 1 and 1000 which are
     (i) Divisible by 2, 3 or 5.
     (ii) Divisible by 3 only but not by 2 nor by 5.
  (d) Find all solutions of the recurrence relation
 an = 5an-1 + 6an-2 + 7n.
2. (a) Probe by mathematical induction xn - ynis divisible by x - y. 04
  (b) Let m be the positive integers greater than 1. Show that the relation R = {(a, b) | a=b (mod m)}, i.e. aRb if and only if m divides a-b, is an equivalence relation on the set of integers. 06
  (c) Let s = {1, 2, 3, 4} and A = S x S Define the the following relation :-
R on A : (a, b) R (a,' b') id and only if a + b = a' + b'.
     (i) Show that R is an equivalence relation.
     (ii) Computer A/R.
  (d) If f : A → B be both one-to-one and onto, then prove that f-1 : B → A is also both one-to-one and onto. 04
3. (a) Consider and equilateral triangle whose sides are of length 3 units. if ten points are chosen lying on or inside the triangle, then show that at least two of them are no more than 1 unit apart. 05
  (b) Let L1 and L2 be lettices shown below :-

Draw the Hasse diagram of  L1 x L2 with product partial order.
  (c) Let A = {a, b, c}. Show that (P(A), ⊆) is a poset. Draw its Hasse diagram. P (A) is the power set of A. 04
  (d) How many vertices are necessary to construct a graph with exactly 6 edges in which each vertex is of degree 2. 04
4. (a) Show that if every element in a group is its own inverse, then the group must be abelian. 04
  (b) If (G, *) is an abelian group, then for all a, b ∈ G, prove that by mathematical induction (a * b)n = an * bn . 05
  (c) If f is a homorphism from a commutative group (S, *) to another group (T, *'), then prove that (T, *') is also commutivate. 04
  (d) Consider the (3, 5) group encoding function
e : B3 → B5 defined by
e(000) = 00000
e(001) = 00110
e(010) = 01001
e(011) = 01111
e(100) = 10011
e(101) = 10101
e(110) = 11010
e(111) = 11100

Decode the following words relative to a maximum likelyhood decoding function.
(i) 11001     (ii) 01010     (iii) 00111

5. (a) Find the generating function for the following sequence
     1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ..........
  (b) Solve the recurrence relation a2 = 3ar-1 + 2, ≥ 1 with a0 =1, using generating function. 06
  (c) Show that the following graphs are isomorphic
  (d) Use the laws of logic to show that
[(p →q) ∧ ⌉ q] → ⌉  p
is a tautology

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE (COA), B.E. Computer Science (CS), Semester 4, May 2012.


B.E. Computer Science (CS), Semester 4, May 2012.
(3 Hours)
[Total Mark: 100]

N. B.: (1) Question no 1 is compulsory.

(2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions.

(3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.

1. (a) Consider a cache (M1) and memory (M2) hierarchy with the following characteristics: --- (10 marks)

M 1 : 16K words, 50 ns access time

M 2 : 1 M words, 400 ns access time

Assume 8 words cache block and set size of 256 words with set associative mapping.
  1. Show the mapping between M 1 and M 2.
  2. Calculate the effective access time with a cache hit ratio of h = 0.95
(b) What do you mean by Fetch cycle, Instruction Cycle, Machine Cycle, and interrupt acknowledgement cycle? Explain in brief. --- (10 Marks)

2. (a) Multiply (-7) with (3) by using Booth’s multiplication. Give the flow table of multiplication. --- (10 Marks)

(b) What is micro operation? Give suitable examples of some four types of micro operations.--- (10 Marks)

3. (a) What do you mean by initialization of DMA controller? How DMA controller works? Explain with suitable block diagram. --- (10 Marks)

(b) What is virtual memory? Explain how virtual address is mapped to actual physical address. --- (10 Marks)

4. (a) Explain with an example, how effective address is calculated in different types of addressing modes. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Formulate a four segment instruction pipeline for a computer. Specify the operation to be performed in each segment. --- (10 Marks)

5. (a) Explain any two methods of hardwired control unit. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Explain the von newmann architecture with the help of diagram. --- (10 Marks)

6. (a) With neat flow chart, explain the procedure for division of floating point numbers carried out in a computer. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Explain the Flynn’s classification of parallel processing. --- (10 Marks)

7. Write short notes on any four: --- (20 Marks)

(a) PCI Bus architecture

(b) Systolic arrays

(c) Comparison of RISC and CISC

(d) IEEE 754 format

(e) Programmed I/O.



Con. 7273-13.                                                                                                   GS-8997
                                                     (3 Hours)                                              [Total Marks : 80]

N.B. : (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
          (2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions.
          (3) Assume suitable data wherever required.

1. (a)What is the need for layering ? Discuss the design issues for layers.10
    (b)Explain the ALOHA protocol. Compare the performance of Pure Aloha v/s Slatted10
Aloha at low load and high load.

2. (a)Explain different framing methods. What are the advantages at variable length10
frames over fixed length frames ?
    (b)Explain : FDMA, TDMA and CDMA.10

3. (a)

Explain sliding windows protocol with selective repeat.

    (b)Explain with the suitable example CRC algorithm for computing checksum.10

4. (a)

What are transport service primitive ?

    (b)How TCP controls the congestion, explain in detail.10

5. (a)

Differentiate between the following :-

        (i) Protocol and Interface
        (ii) Connectionless and connection oriented service.
    (b)What are different types of routing ? Explain any one in detail.10

6. (a)

Explain the different factors associated with quality of service in inter network.

    (b)Describe the IPV4 header format in detail.10


Write short notes on (any four):-

       (a) SONET
       (b) Layer 2 v/s Layer 3 switching
       (c) Bluetooth
       (d) CIDR
       (e) Berkely Socket.



Con. 9854-12                                                                                                 KR-5231

                                                   (3 Hours)                                            [Total Marks :- 100] 

N.B.: (1) Question No.1 is compulsory.
         (2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions.
         (3) Assume suitable data wherever required.

1. (a) Explain the following with example : - [10 Marks]
         (i) Repeater
        (ii) Hubs
       (iii) Bridges
       (iv) Switches
       (v) Router
   (b) Explain the layers details of OSI and TCP/IP Models. [10 Marks]
2. (a) Explain the major components of telephone networks. [10 Marks]
    (b) Explain the error detection and error correction algorithms. [10 Marks]

3. (a) What is CRC? Write the algorithm for computing check sum and explain with suitable
          example. [10 Marks]
    (b) Explain the following with examples :- [10 Marks]
          MAC address, IP address, socket, Baud rate, Latency.

4. (a) Differentiate between the following: -[10 Marks]
          (i) Protocol and Interface
         (ii) Connectionless and connection oriented service.
     (b) Explain and compare the following :-
           Ethernet, Token Bus and Token Ring.

5. (a) Explain CSMA/CD. [10 Marks]
    (b) List the features of bluetooth and explain the network formation process. [10 Marks]            

6. (a) Explain : FDMA, TDMA and CDMA. [10 Marks]
    (b) What are different types of routing? Explain distance vector routing. [10 Marks]

7. (a) What are the congestion prevention policies? Explain the congestion control in virtual circuits
          and datagram subnets. [10 Marks]
    (b) Write note on : -SONET. [10 Marks]

Discrete Structures (DS) Semester 3 (Revised Course) (3 Hours) May 2013

Discrete Structures

Discrete Structures (DS)
Semester 3 (Revised Course)
(3 Hours) May 2013


[Total Marks : 60]

N.B: (1) Question no.1 is compulsory.  
  (2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions.  
  (3) Figures to the right indicate marks.  
  (6) Assume suitable data if necessary.  
1. (a) Prove the mathematical Induction ---
12 + 22 +32+ ......n2 = n(n+1) (2n+1)/6.
  (b) Explain the terms :-
     (i) Poset
     (ii) Normal Subgroup
     (iii) Lattice.
  (c) In a survey of 60 people, it was found that 25 reads Newsweek Magazine, 26 reads Times and 26 reads Fortune. Also 9 reads both Newsweek and Fortune, 11 reads both Newsweek and times, 8 reads Time and Fortune and 8 reads no magazine at all.
     (i) Find the number of people who read all three magazines.
     (ii) Determine number of people who read exactly one magazine.
2. (a) Define injective, surjective and bijective functions.
if f : R→R and g : R → R are defined by the formulas --
       f(x) = x + 2 and g(x) = x2
Find     (i) f.g.f     (ii) g.f.g.
  (b) Define equivalence relation on a set. Let R be a relation on the set of integers defined by aRb iff a-b is a muliple of 5. Prove that R is a equivalence relation. 06
  (c) State the converse, inverse and contrapositive of the following :-
     (i) If it is cold, then he wears a hat.
     (ii) If an integer is a multiple of 2, then it is even.
3. (a) Explain Hasse diagram. Draw the Hasse diagram of the relation given by :--
    (i) R1= { (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5),
                  (3, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5), (4, 4), (4, 5), (5, 5) }
   (ii) R2= { (1, 1), (1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5),
                  (3, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5), (4, 4), (5, 5) }
  (b) Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4} and R = { (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (2, 1)}. Find the Transitive closure or R using Warshall's Algorithm. 06
  (c) Consider the region shown below. It is bounded by a regular hexagon whose sides are the length 1 units. Show that if any seven points are chosen in this region then two o them must be no further apart than 1 unit.
4. (a) Show that the following graphs are isomorphic.
  (b) Let R = {(1, 2), (4, 3), (2, 2), (2, 1), (3, 1)} be a relation on s = {1, 2, 3, 4}.
Find the symmetric closure of R.
  (c) Define :
     (i) Integral domain
     (ii) Field
     (iii) Normal Subgroup.
5. (a) What is minimum spanning tree? Explain any one technique with example. 08
  (b) Define Cyclic Group. Prove that the set A = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} is a finite abelian under addition modulo 6.  
  (c) Determine whether the given graph has a Hamilton circuit or Eulerian circuit. If it does, find such a circuit.



Con.6799-13                                                                                                       LJ-11341

                                                         (3 Hours)                                           [Total Marks: 100]

N.B. (1) Question No.1 is compulsory.
        (2) Attempt any four questions from the remaining questions.

1. Answer any four: - [20 Marks]
    (a) What are the different categories of the network classification?
    (b) Compute the hamming code for the data - 1001101.
    (c) State the reason for having a minimum length requirement for a frame in Ethernet.
         How is it achieved?
     (d) What are the advantages and disadvantages of hierarchical routing?
     (e) State the reason why Network Layer and Transport layer are kept as two distinct layers
          even though their services are so similar

2. (a) Explain the functions of the different Network Hardware Components. [10 Marks]
    (b) Explain sliding window protocol. Draw the sender and receiver windows for a system using
         Go-Back-N sliding window (size = 8) given that- [10 Marks]  
           (i) frame 0 is sent; frame 0 is ACK
          (ii) frame 1 and 2 are sent; frames 4 is ACK.
         (iii) frame 3,4,5 are sent; frame 4 is ACK.
         (iv) Timer for frame 5 expires.
          (v) Sender resets the window and 4 more frames are sent.

3. (a) Make a comparative study of Switched Ethernet, Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet. [10 Marks]
    (b) Draw and explain the architectural and protocol stack of Bluetooth. [10 Marks]

4. (a) What are the steps involved in Link state routing. Explain the content s and the requirements
          of Link state packets. [10 Marks]
    (b) Explain the various methods for congestion control used in datagram subnets. [10 Marks]
5. (a) Show the different protocol scenarios for establishing a connection using 3-way handshake
         in the transport layer. [10 Marks]  
    (b) Explain the different protocols in the MAC sublayer which uses carrier sensing. [10 Marks]

6. (a) Show the usage of the different socket programming primitives used for establishing a
         connection between client and server. [10 Marks]
    (b) Explain HDLC protocol. [10 Marks]

7. Write note on (any two): - [20 Marks]
     (a) Satellite Networks
     (b) QoS requirements
     (c) IP header format

COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE (COA), B.E. Computer Science (CS), Semester 4, December 2011.


B.E. Computer Science (CS), Semester 4, December 2011.
(3 Hours)
[Total Mark: 100]

N. B.: (1) Question no 1 is compulsory.

(2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions.

(3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.

(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. (a) A block set- associative cache consists of 64 blocks divided in 4 block sets. The main memory contains 4096 blocks, each consisting of 128 words of 16 bit length:- --- (10 Marks)

(i) How many bits are there in main memory?

(ii) How many bits are there in each of the TAG, SET and WORD fields?

(b) Explain Static data flow computers and Dynamic data flow computer organization with diagram. --- (10 Marks)

2. (a) In two level memory, tA1 = 10-7S and tAZ = 10-2S. What must the hit ratio it be in order for the access efficiency to be at least 90% of its maximum possible value? --- (10 Marks)

(b) Write and explain the microprogram for LOAD AC. --- (10Marks)

3. (a) Perform division of the following numbers using restoring division: --- (10 Marks)
Dividend = 17; Divisor = 03.
(b) Explain I/O processor and I/O channels with diagram. --- (10 Marks)

4. (a) Explain the floating point representation IEEE standard 754. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Explain Bus Arbitration Schemes with diagram. --- (10 Marks)

5. (a) Explain Array Processor with diagram. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Assume a magnetic disk has following characteristics: - --- (10 Marks)

I. 10,000 rpm spin rate

II. 2 ms head to head switching rate.

III. 3 ms T/T seek time.

IV. 5 platters, 1024 track per side, 50 sectors per track

V. Size of a sector is 512 bytes.

Compute: -

(i) Average capacity of disk

(ii) Average random access time

6. (a) What is locality of reference? Explain the different types of locality. Explain the performance characteristic of two level memory with respect to cost, access time and performance. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Explain the different mapping techniques of cache memory. --- (10 Marks)

7. Solve any four: - --- (20 Marks)

a) Write short notes on Inter-leaved memory

b) Explain difference between SRAM and DRAM.


d) Digital Versatile DISK (DVD)

e) Comparison of RISC and CISC.