Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Software Project Management (SPM) Semester 8 (Revised Course) (3 Hours) May 2012

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Software Project Management (SPM) Semester 8
(Revised Course)
(3 Hours) May 2012


[Total Marks : 100]

N.B: (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.  
  (2) Attempt any four questions out of  remaining six questions.  
1. Describe the following. 20
  (a) PMBOK  
  (b) Triple constraints of a project  
  (c) Business case  
  (d) Relation between MOV, Scope and WBS  
  (e) Formal and informal organization.  
2. (a) What is a project? What are attributes of project? What is project management? 10
  (b) Describe the five phases of IT project methodology. 10
3. (a) Describe the five scope management processes. 10
  (b) Explain work break down structure with example? How does it map to the DDT and DSC? 10
4. (a) Describe any 3 techniques used for project scheduling 10
  (b) What is project risk menagement (RM)? What are the RM processe? 10
5. (a) Describe IT project risk identification framework. Explain the types of risks with example. 10
  (b) What is change management plan and why is it important for an organization to have? 10
6. (a) Describe project procurement processes 10
  (b) Describe project life cycle and its relation with SDLC? 10
7. explain with a brief answer. 20
  (a) What is a milestone? Why are they useful?  
  (b) What is projectititis? How can we organization minimize its likelihood of its occurrence?  
  (c) Explain the difference between. AON and PERT  
  (d) Why is effective and efficient communication vital to a project?  
  (e) How can a system be a technical success but an organizational failure?  

Also see Software Project management question papers for December 2011

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