WEB PROGRAMMING, Semester 4, December 2012
(3 Hours)
[Total Marks: 100]
N.B. (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four questions from remaining six questions.
1. Differentiate between:- --- (20 Marks)
- HTML 1.1 and HTTP 1.0
- Web Site and Web Services
- XML and HTML
- SET and SSL.
(b) What is URL? Explain working of DNS. --- (10 Marks)
3. (a) Write a HTML program for the registration of new customer to the online bankingsystem. (Customer data collected using a form, after submitting account number and type of account. – Entering User Name and password form is displayed as output). --- (10 Marks)
(b) Explain Servlet Life Cycle in detail. --- (10 Marks)
4. (a) Write a DHTML program to handle any three mouse events. --- (10 Marks)
(b) Explain how servlet deals HTTP Get and Post request with an example program. –--(10 Marks)
5. (a) What do you mean by Session Management? Explain various ways of session management. --- (10 Marks)
(b) Explain built in objects in ASP. --- (10 Marks)
6. (a) What is CSS and what do you understand by them term ‘Cascading’?
Explain with an examples. --- (10 Marks)
(b) Explain three tier-architecture with advantages, disadvantages and applications. -- (10 marks)
7. (a) Describe the operations of retrieval of a webpage with its associated messages using HTTP. ---(10 Marks)
(b) Write short notes on:- --- (10 Marks)
Also see Web programming question papers for December 2011
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