WEB PROGRAMMING, Semester 4, December 2011
(3 Hours)
[Total Marks: 100]
N.B.: (1) Questions No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Write HTML code to design a form include name, username, password; reconfirm password, clue to remember password. Write validations for inputs wherever necessary. Write ASP code to add input data to database. --- (20 Marks)
2. (a) Explain significance of cascading style sheets. Explain types of CSS with examples. --- (10 Marks)
(b) List and explain all the elements that are available for getting input from the user in HTML. --- (10 Marks)
3. (a) Explain need of frames in web browser with examples. --–(5 Marks)
(b) What is document type definition. --- (5 Marks)
(c) Draw the hierarchy of JavaScript built in objects. Explain each one briefly. --- (10 Marks)
4. (a) Discuss the event handlers in JavaScript. --- (5 Marks)
(b) Explain the anchor tag and its attributes with example. --- (5 Marks)
(c) Create the following table using HTML tags. --- (10 Marks)
Time Table and Fare List
Name of Train |
Arrival | Departure | ||||
Rajdhani | Mumbai | Delhi | 07:30 | 08:45 | RS. 989.00 |
Madras Mail | Mumbai | Madras | 09:00 | 10:15 | Rs.450.00 |
Konkan Exp | Mumbai | Manglore | 13:30 | 14:45 | Rs.756.00 |
Deccan Exp | Mumbai | Pune | 16:00 | 17:30 | Rs.345.00 |
5. (a) Explain three tier architecture. State its advantages and disadvantages. --- (10 Marks)
(b) Explain the life cycle of servlet and advantages of servlet over ASP. --- (10 Marks)
6. (a) Give the difference between XML and HTML. What are the features of XML elements and attributes? --- (10 Marks)
(b) What is server side programming? Explain methods and properties of request and Response objects in ASP. --- (10 Marks)
7. Write short note on (any two):- --- (20 Marks)
(a) Web Services
(b) Session Tracking
(c) JSP
Also see Web programming question papers for December 2011
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