GUI & Database Management(DBM)
S.E.I.T/SEM - III (May 2009)
Con. 3383-09 (REVISED COURSE) VR-3396
(3 Hours) [Total Marks 100]
(2) Attempt any four out of remaining six questions.
(3) Make suitable assumption if required.
1. (a) Explain time-stamp ordering protocol and Thoma’s write rule. [10 Marks]
(b) Give use of msybox, input box. Explain with example. [2 Marks]
(c) State and explain use of OLE. [2 Marks]
(d) Design any application to make use of following controls: [6 Marks]
• Text Box
• Command Button
• List Box
• Labels
• Option Button
• Check Box
2. (a) Draw an E-R diagram for the university database with following entities- [10 Marks]
• Courses including number title, syllabus and credits and prerequisites.
• Course offerings including course number year, semester, section number,
• instructor timing, claasroom allotted.
• Student including id, name and program
• Instructors including number, name , department and title
• Enrolment of student in courses and grade awarded to student must be
appropriately modeled.
(b) Explain following terms :- [10 Marks]
• two phase locking protocols
• graph based protocols.
3. (a) Explain logged based and checkpoint based recovery mechanism in DBMS. [10 Marks]
(b) Explain Murphie’s law of GUI in detail with the help of an example and state
features of GUI. [10 Marks]
4. (a) Write a code to create a color section menu by using Menu Editor. [8 Marks]
Your code should apply the selected color for the background.
(b) What is SQL? Explain the following structures of SQL queries with appropriate
example:[12 Marks]
(i) Select clause (iv) Aggregate clause
(ii) Where clause (v) With clause
(iii) From clause
5. (a) Explain following relational algebra operators with example- [10 Marks]
(i) Rename (iv) Cartesian product
(ii) Self-difference (v) Assignment
(iii) Outer joint
(b) What are the standard used for GUI. [5 Marks]
(c) Write short notes on icons and graphics. [5 Marks]
6. (a) Explain conflict serializability and view sendlizability in detail. [10 Marks]
(b) Explain database architecture in detail with the help of a diagram. [10 Marks]
7. (a) What is transaction? Discuss transaction diagram and its properties. [10 Marks]
(b) Explain ACID properties and usefulness of each property. [10 Marks]
Also see GUI & database management question papers December 2011
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