GUI & Data Base Management SE /IT/Sem
(3 Hours) (May 2010) |
AN - 2575
[Total Marks : 100] |
N.B.: | (1) | Questions no. 1 is compulsory. | |
(2) | Answers any four out of the remaining questions. |
1. | (a) | What do you mean by E-R diagram? Draw E-R Diagram
for university database consisting of four entities : Student,
department, class, faculty - Student has a unique id, the student can enroll for multiple classes and has at most one major. - Faculty must belong to department and faculty can teach multiple classes - Each class is taught by only one faculty - Every student will get grade for the class he/she has enrolled. |
10 |
(b) | Describe the overall architecture of a DBMS with a diagram | 10 |
2. | (a) | Explain follwoing relational algebra operators with
suitable examples :- (i) Select (ii) Project (iii) Join (iv) Division (v) Cartesion product |
10 |
(b) | Give your advantages that a DBMS has over that of a
file system. |
10 | |
3. | (a) | Explain the following controls of visual basic :-
(i) Listbox (ii) Command button (iii) Combo box (iv) Message box (v) checkbox |
10 |
(b) | Explain Murphy's law of GUI screen and explain the
procedure for adding the control to component dialog box |
10 | |
4. | (a) | Design Active X control for the
following GUI screen and explain the procedure for adding the
control to component dialog box. |
Discuss ADO and COM Remote Architecture.
What do you understand by deadlocks in database system? Explain how it is prevented.
What is transaction? Discuss state transition diagram and properties of transaction.
For the given employee database give an expression in SQL for the following :-
Employee (empname, street, city)
Works(empname, comapny-name, salary)
Company(comapny-name, city)
Manages(empname, manager-name)
(i) create table, insert values for all the tables given
(ii) Modify the database so that 'Shaam' now lives in 'Newtown'
(iii) Give all employee of First bank corporation a 10 percent raise.
Define Serializability? Explain conflict and view serializability.
Write short notes on :-
(i) Validation Based protocol
(ii) Total participation, Partial, participation, Unique key, primary key and partial key
(iii) Log based and checkpoint based recovery mechanisms.
Also see GUI & database management question papers December 2010
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