Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Data Structure & Algorithms (Information Technology Sem III) JUNE 2010

Information Technology

Data Structure & Algorithms
Information Technology  
Sem III           

             June 2010


         (3 Hours)

[Total Mrks : 100]

N.B: 1)  Question No. 1 is compulsory  
 2) Attempt any four questions from remaining SIX questions.

1. a) Write a program to implement a STACK ADT using Linked list.    10
b) Explin Huffman coding and construct huffman code for the following    10

                      "JAVA DATA STRUCTURES"


2. a) Construct the binary tree for the inorderd and post traversal sequence given below  `                 In oreder : "INFORMATION
                  Post Order: "INOFMAINOTR"
  b) Write and explain Radix sort algorithm with suitable example. 

3. a) Write an algorithm for merge sort and comment on its complexity.

    b) Calculate and draw the minimum cost spanning tree using Kruskal's algoritham for the 
following graph.

4.  a)  Explain how interface and packages are created and accessed with their syntax. 
     b)  Write any pattern Matching Algoritham and explain it with suitable example.     

5.  a) Write a program to implement queue using array.    
     b)  Write a program to search an element in an array using binary search technique. 

6.  a)  Write algorithm for heap sort and explain Ascending heap with suitable example.

     b)  Hash the following in a table of size 11. Use any two collision resolution technique 
            99     67     41     0     17     2     98     20     94     27

7.  a)  Write short note on any four of the following:-                                            20
           i)  AVL Trees
          ii)  Red and Black Trees
         iii)  Asymptotic Notation
         iv)  Recursion
         v)  Graph traversal technique
        vi)  Abstract data type.

Also see Data structure & algorithms question papers for May 2009

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