Tuesday, April 15, 2014

CGVRS(COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND VIRTUAL REALITY SYSTEMS) December 2010 Semester 5th Third Year BE IT Information Technology

CGVRS(COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND VIRTUAL REALITY SYSTEMS) December 2010 Semester 5th Third Year BE IT Information Technology 

Con.6022-10                            (REVISED COURSE)                               GT-6798.

                                                        (3 Hours)                                [Total Marks: 100]

N.B.: (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
         (2) Solve any four questions from remaining question No.2 to question No.7
         (3) Draw neat diagram wherever necessary.

1. (a) Explain bitmap and vector based graphics. [5 Marks]
    (b) Explain the Two-point perspective transformation. [5 Marks]
    (c) Describe in brief physical modeling. [5 Marks]
    (d) Compare the CMY and RGB color model. [5 Marks] 

2. (a) Write the DDA line drawing algorithm. Calculate the pixel co-ordinate of line AB using
          DDA algorithm. Where A=(0,0) and B=(4,6). [10 Marks]
    (b) Write the matrices and draw the diagrams for scaling, rotation of an 3D object. [10 Marks]

3. (a) Describe the Sutherland-Cohen line clipping algorithm used for 3D. [10 Marks]
    (b) Describe Halftoning, Thresholding and Dithering in detail. [10 Marks]

4. (a) Explain LeGrange interpolated curves. [10 Marks]
    (b) Describe the various warping techniques. [10 Marks]

5. (a) Descibe the design of a virtual reality System. Also explain types of virtual
         reality System. [10 Marks]
    (b) Explain the graphical rendering pipeline. [10 Marks]

6. (a) Describe the input and out put devices for Virtual Reality. [10 Marks]
    (b) Explain in detail the Sun Blade 1000 Architecture. [10 Marks]
7. (a) Explain the Winding Number Method. [5 Marks]
    (b) Explain virtual reality programming with reference to JAVA 3D. [5 Marks]
    (c) Describe the Motion Control Methods. [5 Marks]
    (d) Explain the applications of virtual Reality in military and machine. [5 Marks]

Also see Computer graphics and virtual reality systems question papers for May 2011

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