Information Technology, Semester 5 (May 2012)
Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD)
(Revised Course)
Con. 4739-12
(3 Hours)
[Total Mark: 100]
N.B. (1) Question No 1 is compulsory.(2) Attempt any four questions out of the remaining six questions.
1. (a) How is recursion represented in a sequence diagram ? (20 Marks)
(b) How is association modeled as a class?
(c) How is generalization / specialization contrasted with more code reuse?
(d) What are the aim and principal of modeling?
2. (a) Contrast action state Vs activity state. How are looking and joining used in activity diagram? Illustrate with an example. (10 Marks)
(b) Sketch the use case diagram for modeling a hospital information system aimed at collecting and storing complete information pertaining to the patients’ treatment history and disease behavior where actors could be doctor, lab technician, patient, duty nurse, receptionist, visitors etc. (10 Marks)
3. (a) What are interaction diagrams? What are their contents and common properties?--(10 Marks)
Define semantic equivalence between two kinds of interaction diagrams.
(b) Construct the state diagram and interaction diagram for the online Reservation system. (10 Marks)
4. (a) Engineering Admission procedure is as follows :- (10 Marks)
- DTE advertises the date of CET Entrance examination.
- Students has to apply for entrance examinations.
- Results announced by DTE.
- Student has to fill up the option form to select the college of his/her choice.
- DTE displays allotment list in the web site and intimation to all colleges.
- Students should visit the allotted colleges and complete the admission procedure.
- Draw the activity Diagram for the above process.
5. (a) Explain object oriented metrics and testing. (10 Marks)
(b) Draw a sequence diagram for registering a new e-mail account. (10 Marks)
6. (a) Describe four phase of RUP in detail. (10 Marks)
(b) How deployment diagram are useful in modeling a fully distributed system. (10 Marks)
7. Write short notes on (any four): - (20Marks)
- Test Cases
- Nested State Diagram
- Architectural Frame Work
- Multiplicity and generalization
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