Con.5805-10. (REVISED COURSE) GT-6789
(3 Hours) [Total Marks: 100]
N.B.: (1) Question No.1 is compulsory, solve any four questions from from questions No.2 to
question No.7
(2) Mention your answers with neat sketches and examples wherever necessary.
(3) Assume any data and mention the name while attempting the questions.
1. Attempt the following :-
(a) Explain characteristics of connection oriented and connectionless service, list various examples
for both the services. [5 Marks]
(b) Explain ISO-OSI layered architecture in brief. [5 Marks]
(c) Compare LAN-WAN and MAN. [5 Marks]
(d) Explain different Network Topologies with neat sketches [5 Marks]
2. (a) Explain ASK FSK and PSK in detail. [10 Marks]
(b) Explain different transmission media in detail with neat sketches and it's Technical
characteristics. [10 Marks]
3. (a) What are various functions of Data Link Layer? Explain with suitable examples. [10 Marks]
(b) What do you mean by bridge? Explain bridging techniques in detail. [10 Marks]
4. (a) What are various design requirements for Routing protocol? Explain Link State
Routing. [10 Marks]
(b) What do you mean by Logical Address and Physical Address? Explain network address
in detail. [10 Marks]
5. (a) What are different types of Traffic? Explain leaky bucket algorithm in brief. [10 Marks]
(b) What do you mean by Encryption? Explain symmetric key and Asymmetric key. [10 Marks]
6. (a) Explain ISOI protocol stack in detail with neat sketch. [10 Marks]
(b) Explain classification of signalling techniques. [10 Marks]
7. Write short note on any four of the following :- [20 Marks]
(a) Traffic Management in ATM
(b) TMN
(c) SNMP
(d) 3G UMTS Network
(e) Digital Signatures and Certificates
(f) Data Multiplexing
Also see Convergence of technologies and networking in communication question papers for May 2010
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