(3 Hours) [Total Marks: 100]
1. (a) Explain transient and persistent objects. [5 Marks](b) What are triggers? Illustrate the cases when triggers must not be used. [5 Marks]
(c) Define and explain the term "Data Warehouse". [5 Marks]
(d) Explain BCNF with suitable example. [5 Marks]
2. (a) Explain design and implementation issues in mobile database. [10 Marks]
(b) Explain with proper example nested relation in ORDBMS. [10 Marks]
3. (a) All electronic company have sales department sales consider the dimensions
namely [10 Marks]
i) Time ii) Product iii) Branch iv) Location
with two measures
i) Dollars-Sold ii) Unit-Sold
Design star schema and write a DMQL for the above statement.
(b) Explain primary horizontal fragmentation is distributed database. [10 Marks]
4. (a) What are the main architectures used for building parallel database? Give 10 advantages
and disadvantages of each. [10 Marks]
(b) Explain following concept with example: [10 Marks]
i) Object identity
ii) Type constructors.
5. (a) Consider a data warehouse for a hospitals, where there are three dimensions: [10 Marks]
i) Doctor ii) Patient iii) Time
and two measures
i) Cont and ii) Charge
Where charge is the fee that the doctor charges a patient for a visit.
Using the above example describe the following OLAP operations:
i) Slice ii) Dice iii) Rollup iv) Drilldown
(b) Explain security and authorization in SQL. [10 Marks]
6. (a) Explain various extended features of ER diagram such as aggregation, specialization and
generalization with suitable example. [10 Marks]
(b) Give a relation with eight attributes [10 Marks]
Proj_no, Proj_name, Emp_name, Job_class, Charge_hrs, Hrs_billed and Tot_charges
Normalize it upto 3rd normal form.
7. Write short note on : [20 Marks]
a) Comparison between OLTP and OLAP.
b) Two phase commit protocol.
c) Spatial Database.
d) Integrity Constraint.
Also see Database technologies question papers for May 2011
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