OOAD(Object Oriented Analysis and Design) December 2009, Semester 5th, BE IT, Information Technology
Con.5509-09. (Revised Course) SP-8642
(3 Hours) [Total Marks :100]
N.B.: (1) Question No.1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four out of remaining six questions.
(3) Make suitable assumptions whenever necessary and state them.
1. Assume that you are working as a senior developer in a multinational company. [20 Marks]
The 20 role is that you need to transform the following customers mission statement
into a complete unambiguous description of the system using use-case diagram and
class diagram.
Mahindra Car Rental company mission statement - Since we automated the tracking
of cars at our stores - Using bar codes, counter top terminals and laser leaders. We
have seen many benefits: the productivity of our rental assistants has increased 20%
cars rarely go missing and our customers has grown strongly.The management feels
that the internet offers further existing opportunities for increasing efficiency.
2. Explain the following terms using scenario described in question no.1 [20 Marks]
(a) Aggregation.
(b) Generalization.
(c) Association.
(d) Multiplicity.
3. (a) Explain the different types of test scenarios for inventory management system. [10 Marks]
(b) What is the difference between uses and extends? [5 Marks]
(c) What is model? Why do we need to model a problem? Briefly describe static
model and dynamic model? [5 Marks]
4. (a) What is Requirement? Explain the types of requirements in detail. [10 Marks]
(b) What are the design principles? Explain difficulties and risk in design. [10 Marks]
5. (a) Define Inspection. Describe principles of Inspection in detail. [10 Marks]
(b) State and explain various steps in object oriented design process. [10 Marks]
6. (a) Construct the activity diagram for trading system which should take care of sales
in formation of the company and must analyze the potential of trade. [10 Marks]
(b) Construct the component diagram for the above scenario. [10 Marks]
7. (a) Write detailed note on "Framework and Components". [10 Marks]
(b) How deployment diagrams are useful in modelling a fully distributed system? [10 Marks]
Also see Object oriented analysis and design question papers for May 2010
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