Monday, April 21, 2014

Middleware and Enterprise Integration Technologies (MEIT) Semester 6 (MAY 2013)

Middleware and Enterprise Integr

Middleware and Enterprise Integration Technologies (MEIT) Semester 6
(Revised Course)
(3 Hours) MAY 2013


[Total Marks : 100]

N.B: (1) .Question No. 1 is compulsory  
  (2) Answer any four out of remaining questions  
  (3) Answer to subsections must be answered together  
1. (a) Explain the term n-tier architecture with an example 05
  (b) Describe in brief what do you understand by SOA 05
  (c) Give an overeview of different types of middleware models 05
  (d) Give a brief overeview of net architecture 05
2. (a) Describe the steps involved in deploying an EJB application 10
  (b) Describe the CORBA architecture with the help of a block diagram 10
3.   Consider an online student admission system, which maintains entries for students and courses they enroll for. For each student name, age, marks and address etc. are stored. For each course, store the course name, subject area, List of books, faculty name, number of students etc. Further for each course also store the the schedule, and marks of students for the current offering.            10
  (a) Give the DTD for the XML schema for the desired system 10
  (b) Write the following query in XQuery:

"Find all the students who have scored an "A" grade in more than two courses in a Semester"

4. (a) What are the different types of "beans" one can define in an EJB application. Illustrate using an online banking system as an example aaplication 10
    Describe the structure of WSDL file using an example  
  (b) 10
5. (a) What do you mean by web service? Describe the different Web services standards available   10
  (b) What is the role of IDL? Using CORBA IDL define interfaces to objects in an online library management system 10
6. (a) What do you mean by Enterprice Service Bus (ESB)? How is it used to implement a SOA based application 10
  (b) What are CORBA services? Describe any two CORBA services 10
7.   Write a brief note on the following;  
  (a)  COM and DCOM 10
  (b) JAVA RMI 10

Also see Middleware and enterprise integration technologies question papers for May 2011

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