Monday, April 28, 2014



Con. 5796-10.                        (REVISED COURSE)                                          GT-7689
                                                      (3 Hours)                                           [Total Marks:100]

N.B.: (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
         (2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions.

1. (a) Explain the following terms:- [5 Marks]
            (i) Data Warehouse  (ii) Inheritance
    (b) Explain 3NF with suitable example. [5 Marks]
    (c) Explain Data fragmentation in distributed Database [5 Marks]
    (d) Explain Transient and persistent objects. [5 Marks]

2. (a) What are triggers ? Give an example. Illustrate the cases when triggers must         
         not be used. [10 Marks]
    (b) Explain design and implementation issues in mobile databases. [10 Marks]

3. (a) Explain various extended features of ER diagram such as aggregation, 
         specialization and generalization with suitable example. [10 Marks]
    (b) Find out the data transfer cost of distributed query processing for following queries.
         "For each employee, retrive the employee name and name of the department
         for which employee works." [10 Marks]

      Site 1


       10,000 records, each record is 100 bytes long.
       SSN field is a bytes, Fname is 15 bytes
       DNO field is 4 bytes, Lname is 15 bytes.

      Site 2



        Dname  Dnumber  Mgrssn  Mgrstartdate
        100 recods, each record is 35 bytes long.       
        Dnumber field is 4 bytes, Dname field is 10 bytes
        Mgrssn field is 9 bytes.
        Query is submitted to result site 3.
        Consider different strategies for executing this query and find which strategy is
        best using natural join and semijoin.

4. (a) Consider relation R (PQRSTU) with following dependencies. [10 Marks] 

         State R is in which normal form ? Decompose it to BCNF. Show step by procedure.
    (b) Explain object identifier and object structure with example. [10 Marks]

5. (a) All electronics company have sales debt. Sales consider four Dimensions namely
         time, item , branch and location. The schema contain a central fact table sales
         with two measures dollar_sold and unit sold.
         Designer star schema and snowflake schema. [10 Marks]
    (b) Consider a data warehouse for a hospital, where there are three dimensions.
         (i) Doctor  (2) Patient and (3) Time and two measures : (i) Count and (ii) Charge
         where charge is the fee that the doctor charges a patient for a visit. using the
         above example describe the following OLAP operations.
         (1) Slice (2) Dice (3) Rollup (4) DrillDown. [10 Marks]

6. (a) Explain type of constraints with an example. [10 Marks]
    (b) Explain security and Authorization in SQL. [10 Marks]

7.  Write short notes on (any four) :-
          (a) Comparison of RDBMS, OODBMS, ORDBMS [20 Marks]
          (b) SQL 3 standard
          (c) Comparison between OLTP and OLAP
          (d) Two phase committ protocol
          (e) Temporal Databases.

Also see Database technologies question papers for May 2010 

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