Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Middleware and Enterprise Integration Technologies (MEIT) Semester 6 (DEC 2012)

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Middleware and Enterprise Integr
Middleware and Enterprise Integration Technologies (MEIT) Semester 6
(Revised Course)
(3 Hours) DEC 2012

[Total Marks : 100]
N.B: (1) .Question No. 1 is compulsory  
  (2) Answer any four out of remaining questions  
1. (a) What are the features of Distributed Object System 05
  (b)  Differentiate between RMI and RPC 05
Explain with an example, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) 05
  (d) Describe the steps involved in EJB deployment   05
2.   Consider a college course management system. The system maintains information about all courses, pre-requisites, faculty, grades, etc. For faculty, their qualifications and other details are to be maintained. Student details like names, courses registered, grades obtained, dates of course etc are also stored. Make any other reasonable assumptions.         
  (a) Give a DTD for the XML schema for the above system 10
  (b) Find the following query in XQuery:
Find all the students who scored an A grade in English course taught by Prof. Joshi 2010 
3. (a) What is the use of IDL in CORBA? Explain with an examples 10
  (b) Describe the CORBA architecture with the help of a block diagram 10
4. (a) Using an online banking system as an example describe the different types of enterprise beans needed for implementing an EJB application 10
  (b) What is the use of POA in CORBA? How is it different from BOA? 10
5. (a) Explain the concept of a service in SOA with a simple example. How is a web service related to SOA 10
  (b) Explain the concept of Apartments in COM 10
6. (a) What do you mean by multi-tier system architecture? Illustrate using an online movie booking system 10
  (b) Describe the net architecture with the help of neat diagrams 10
7.   Write brief notes on:  
  (a)  Overview of CORBA services 10
  (b) (Distributed COM (DCOM) Architecture 10
Also see Middleware and enterprise integration technologies question papers for December 2010

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