Friday, April 11, 2014

OOAD(Object Oriented Analysis and Design) May 2013 Semester 5th, BE IT

OOAD(Object Oriented Analysis and Design) May 2013 Semester 5th, BE IT 

Con. 10011-13.                                                                                 GS-9279
                                                     (3 Hours)                              [Total Marks:100]

N.B. (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
         (2) Attempt any four questions, out of remaining questtions.
         (3) Draw neat and clean diagram, wherever required.
         (4) Assume suitable data,if necessary.

Q1.ACarefully study the following case study and answer the following questions.[10]
Draw a class diagram for an information modeling system for a school
School has one more Department. Department offers one or more Subjects.A
particular subject will be offered by only one department.Department has instuctiors and
instructors can work for one or more departments.Student can enrol in upto 5 subjects
in a School.Instuctors can teach upto 3 subjects.The same subject can be taught by
different instructors.Students can be enrolled in more than one school.


Explain the following with suitable examples

(a) Association
(b) Aggregation
(c) Multiplicity
(d) Generalization


Explain the different types of Cohesion and Coupling



What is Requirment? Explain the different types of Requirements in detail.



Write the problem statement and Draw a Deployment diagram for an online "Airline

Reservation System"


What are the design principles? Explain the difficulties and risk in design?



Draw the Sequence diagram for the following scenario.

A customer wants to draw money from his bank account. He enters his card into an
ATM(automated teller machine). The ATM machine prompts "Enter PIN". The customer
enters his PIN. The ATM (internally) retrives the bank account number from the card. The
ATM encrypts the PIN and the account number and sends it over to the bank. The bank
verifies the encypted account and PIN number. If the PIN number is correct, the ATM
displays "Enter Amount". Draws money from the bank account and pays out the amount.


Draw the Activity diagram for the scenario in Q4 (a), show swim lanes



Draw Use Case digram for the following system, clearly show the include and

extends relationship between usecases
A compterized library system for a university keeps track of all books and periodicals in
the library and their check-out status. Ceckout and return are automated through a bar
code reader (an external device). The libray system also interfaces with an external
relatonal database which stores information about the library users (students, faculty,
and staff),including whether they have any library items checked out . Library users can
access the catalog and recall books and periodicals. Library employees have the same
access as well as additional capabilities (e.g., listing the status of an item).


Differentiable between static and Dynamic modeling in detail



Enlist the design pattern and explain any two Design pattern



For a Library management system design the test cases for the

"issue and retun of book"


Write Short Notes on: (Any Two)
 a)Testing Stratergies
 b)User Interface Design Principles
 c)Framework and Comonents
 d)Software quality Assurance
 e)Mapping Model to Code
  f)State Modeling in UML

Also see Object oriented analysis and design question papers December 2012

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