Software Engineering (SE), T.E. (I.T.), Semester 6, December 2010
Con. 5808-10
(3 Hours)
[Total Marks100]
N.B.: (1) Question no 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions.
(3) Makes for each question are given in brackets at the right hand side.
1. (a) Explain process and project matrics. ---- (5 Marks)
(b) What are the projects best suited for agile methodology and why? --- (5 Marks)
(c) Identify the risk in web based application development. --- (5 Marks)
(d) When do you prototype? What are the outcomes of prototyping? --- (5 marks)
2. (a) Explain the steps in requirement engineering. --- (10 Marks)
(b) What do you understand by process maturity? Mention the activities in CMM level 4 and 5. --- (10 Marks)
3. (a) How are efforts estimated? In which phase of development cycle effort estimation done? --- (10 Marks)
(b) What are the risks associated with delayed projects? How do project managers manage such risks? --- (10 marks)
4. (a) State the five major tasks in SCM. How is version control done? --- (10 Marks)
(b) Describe the activities done during FTR, Configuration Audit and status reporting. --- (10 marks)
5. (a) Explain cohesion and coupling and the purpose of modular design. --- (10 Marks)
(b) Relate the data flow and control flow diagram with an example case study of your choice. --- (10 Marks)
6. (a) What are the advantage of test – driven development? --- (5Marks)
(b) State Software quality factors. --- (5 Marks)
(c) Describe the different techniques in white box testing. --- (10 Marks)
7. Write short notes on any two. --- (20 Marks)
(a) Security engineering
(b) Project scheduling and tracking
(c) System Testing.
Also see Software engineering question papers for May 2011
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