T.E. (I.T.) Sem Vth (December 2013)
Object Oriented Analysis Design (OOAD)
Con. 7085-13.
(3 Hours)
Toal Marks : 100
N.B. : (1) Question No 1 is compulsory.(2) Attempt any four questions of the remaining six questions.
(3) Diagram should be neat and clean.
(4) Assume suitable data if necessary.
1. (a) Explain the following feature s of Object Orientation with Suitable examples.-- (10 Marks)
- Encapsulation
- Aggregation
- Association
- Inheritance
- Generalization
- Identify actors, goals and use cases.
- Draw a system level use case diagram clearly stating the difference between include and extend.
2. (a) What is requirement ? What are functional and non- functional Requirements? – (10 Marks)
From the Q .1 B (case study) identify and explain five functional and five non- functional requirements.
(b) What are the design principles? Explain the difficulties and risk in design?--(10 Marks)
3. (a) Explain the various types of cohesion and coupling .—(10 Marks)
(b) Draw start char diagram for automatic transmission system for gears in the car. Car can only start in neutral position. Manual selection is to be done to move to either reverse gear or higher gears. Upper gears are first, second, third and fourth and changes automatically based on the speed of the car.—(10 Marks)
4. (a) Draw the Activity diagram for “Online shopping Scenario” show swim lanes. –(10 Marks)
(b) Explain the various software Testing Strategies. –(10 Marks)
5. (a) Draw sequence diagram for withdrawing money from ATM machine.--(10 Marks)
(b) What is design pattern? Explain any two design pattern. –(10 Marks)
6. (a) For a Library management system, design the test cases for the “issue and return of book”.—(10 Marks)
(b) You are appointed as a consultant for Intranet Development for your college, write a detailed problem statement for the problem, and draw the Deployment diagram.--(10 Marks)
7. Write a short notes on (any two):---(10 Marks)
- User Interface Design Principles
- Mapping Model to Code
- Nested State Diagram
- Interaction Modeling in UML
- Frameworks and Components
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