OOAD(Object Oriented Analysis and Design) May 2011,
Semester 5th, BE IT, Information Technology
Semester 5th, BE IT, Information Technology
Con.3605-11 RK-2175
(3 Hours) [Total Marks:- 100]
N.B.: 1) Question No.1 is compulsory.
2) Attempt any four out of remaining questions.
3) Figure to the right indicates full marks.
1. (a) Draw use-case diagram for the problem statement stated in Appendix A. [5 Marks]
(b)Draw statement transition diagram for the object STUDENT for the problem statement
(b)Draw statement transition diagram for the object STUDENT for the problem statement
started in Appendix A. [5 Marks]
(c) Write use-case description for the any use-case for the problem statement stated in
Appendix A Using format shown in Appendix B. [5 Marks]
(d) Draw sequence diagram for the same use-case stated in Q1 C. Clearing Showing Boundary
Objects, Control Objects and Entity Objects. [5 Marks]
2. Define following term in UML, show UML symbol with one meaningful example.
(Attempt any five) [20 Marks]
1. Extend Dependency 2. Node 3. Interface
4. Use-case 5. Guard Condition 6. Composition
3. a) Describe i)Fault and Failure. ii) Stub and drivers used in testing. [10 Marks]
b) Draw State Diagram for automatic transmission system for gears in the car.Car can only
start in Neutral position. Manual selection is to be done to move to either reverse gear or
any other upper gear. Upper gear are First, second, third and fourth and changes
automatically based on speed of the vehicle. [10 Marks]
4. a) What is framework? Give its types. what are design pattern? [10 Marks]
b) Give one example of single-tone pattern. Write Java code to demonstrate it. [10 Marks]
5. a) Explain principles leading to good design. [10 Marks]
b) Draw class diagram and hence draw Object Diagram for the following problem statement:-
A bungalow can have maximum two floors. Each floors has multiple rooms. Each room has
at least one door and a window. Rooms may be connected by a passage. Their can be at
most one passage per floor. Rooms can be of type Drawing room, hall, kitchen or study room.
- [10 Marks]
6. a) What is Equivalence Class? [10 Marks]
Show Equivalence classes for the Java method isLeap year( int year)
b) What is Test Case?Identify two test cases based on diagram shown in Appendix A. [10 Marks]
7. a) Write short notes on(Any Two) :- [20 Marks]
i) Brainstorming Session.
ii) Alpha-Beta Testing.
iii) User Interface Design.
Appendix A
Any student can log on to the system. The student logging in for the first time will get log on
id from the system. Student can see schedule, fees structure, apply for the course and ca pay
fees using CC. Existing student can see any instructions/assignments given by instructor and
marks obtained in one-line test. only senior instructor can conduct online test. Center supervisor
can assign instructor for the course and can see fees collected and other details. Instructors can
see their schedule and list of the student for each course.
Appendix B
Use-case specification format:
Use case Name:
Flow of events:
Normal Flow:
Alternate Flow:
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