Con. 9865-13. GS-6238
(3 Hours) [Total Marks : 100]
N.B. : (1) Question No. 1 is Compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions.
(3) Assume suitable data wherever required.
(4) Figures to be right indicates full marks.
(5) Answers to the question should be grouped and written together.
1. (a) | What are the different measures of performance of data compression techniques ? | 5 |
(b) | Discuss the applicaltion of JPEG 2000. | 5 |
(c) | Compare public and private key crypto-system. | 5 |
(d) | What is secure electronic payment system ? | 5 |
2. (a) | A source and its letter form an alphabet A = {a, b, c, d, e} with probabilities | 10 |
P = {0.15, 0.05, 0.25, 0.35, 0.2} respectively. Calculate :- | ||
(i) Standard Huffman code | ||
(ii) Minimum variance Huffman code | ||
(iii) Average length and redundancy of both codes | ||
(iv) Draw the binary code tree for both the codes. | ||
(b) | Explain the working of DES with block diagram. | 10 |
3. (a) | What are dictionary based compression schemes? Explain LZ77 with suitable examples. | 10 |
(b) | What are various aspects of conventional encryption ? Discuss the types of attacks. | 10 |
4. (a) | How are differential encoding schemes used in audio compression ? | 10 |
(b) | Explain Chinese remainder theorem with an example. | 10 |
5. (a) | Describe various approaches for Image Compression and discuss one of them in | 10 |
detail. | ||
(b) | Explain Hash and MAC algorithm used for authenication. | 10 |
6. (a) | Describe the features of Video Compression as compared to Image Compression. | 10 |
Explain MPEG industry standard for video compression. | ||
(b) | Explain Digital Immune System. | 10 |
7. | Write short notes on any two :- | 20 |
(a) Firewall design | ||
(b) Elliptic curve cryptography | ||
(c) MPEG audio standard | ||
(d) Two dimensional image transform. |
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