Con. 90103-13. LJ-14120
(3 Hours) [Total Marks : 100]
N.B. : (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions.
(3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
1. (a) | What is Hidden and exposed terminal problem? Discuss solutions to these | 5 |
problems. | ||
(b) | Write short note on wireless local loop. | 5 |
(c) | Compare IEEE 802.11 and Hiper LAN2. | 5 |
(d) | Which comonents are new in GPRS as compared to GSM? What is their | 5 |
purpose? | ||
2. (a) | Draw and explain iGSM architecture and iGSM procedures. | 10 |
(b) | Explain motivation of WATM also explain WATN generic reference model. | 10 |
3. (a) | Why is routing in multi-hop adhoc networks complicated? What are the special | 10 |
challenges? | ||
(b) | Explain Bluetooth protocol stack with neat diagram. | 10 |
4. (a) | Explain how the power management is done in IEEE 802.11 infrastructure based | 10 |
and adhoc networks. | ||
(b) | Explain snooping TCP and Mobile TCP with their merits and demerits. | 10 |
5. (a) | Explain protocol architecture of DECT. | 10 |
(b) | Explain three Tier Architecture for mobile computing. | 10 |
6. (a) | Explain the following with respect to mobile IP. | 10 |
(i) IP Packet delivery. | ||
(ii) Registration. | ||
(iii) Encapsulation. | ||
(b) | Describe the mobile satelite system (LEO and GEO). | 10 |
7. | Write short note on any four :- | 20 |
(a) WML Script. | ||
(b) EPOC. | ||
(c) Threats and Security issues in mobile computing. | ||
(d) PCS Architecture. | ||
(e) CDMA 2000. | ||
(f) ZigBee. |
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