(3 Hours) [Total Marks:-100]N.B: (1) Questions No.1 is compulsory.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 (a) Design 8086 microprocessor based system with following specification [10 Marks]
(i) Microprocessor 8086 working at 10 MHz.
(ii) 32 KB EPROM using 8 KB chips.
(iii) 16 KB SRAM using 4 KB chips.
Explain the design.
(b) Differentiate 8086, 80286 and 80386 on the basis of address bus size, data bus size,
number of segment registers and maximum size of every segment. [4 Marks]
(c) Explain data memory organisation of PIC 18. [6 Marks]
Q.2 (a) Discuss different instruction formats of PIC 18. [10 Marks]
(b) Draw timing diagram for write operation in maximum mode of 8086 and explain
it. [10 Marks]
Q.3 (a) Explain different data types supported by 8087 NDP with example. [10 Marks]
(b) Interface DMA controller 8257 with 8086 microprocessor. Explain different data transfer
modes of 8257 DMA controller. [10 Marks]
Q.4 (a) Write assembly language program for 8086 to exchange contents of two memory
blocks. [10 Marks]
(b) i. Explain status register of PIC 18. [5 Marks]
ii. Explain pipeline concept used in 8086 microprocessor. [5 Marks]
Q.5 (a) Which are the different types of interrupt supported by 8086? Explain how 8086 provides
service to any interrupt? [10 Marks]
(b) Write functions of following instructions of PIC 18 [10 Marks]
i. movlw 0x25 ii. cpfseq 0x25,A iii. bnc n iv. tblrd*+ v) btg 0x25,7,a
Q.6 (a) Explain different string primitives of 8086 microprocessor. [10 Marks]
(b) With help of neat diagram explain interfacing of six, 7 segment displays with
PIC 18. [10 Marks]
Q.7 a) Write note on:- [20 Marks]
i) Data related addressing modes of 8086
ii) Assembler durectives
iii) Clock generator 8284
iv) I/O port structure of PIC 18.
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