Friday, July 25, 2014

Microprocessors and Microcontollers - 1 (MPMC) Semester 5 (3 Hours) May 2010

Digital Signal and Image Process
Microprocessors and Microcontollers - 1 (MPMC)
Semester 5
(3 Hours) May 2010

[Total Marks : 100]
N.B: (1) Question no 1 is compulsory.  
  (2) Attempt any four question out of remaining six questions.  
  (3) Assume suitable data if necessary.  
1. (a) (i) Interface 16 KB RAM memory chip to 8085 using Absolute decoding
(ii) Modify the address decoding circuit in the above design to incorporate parti
     decoding and thus explain the difference between Absolute decoding technique
     and partial decoding technique.
  (b) (i) Draw and explain the formats of interrupt Enable SFR and interrupt Priority SFR
     of 8051.
(ii) Write a program to enable all the interrupt of 8051 and set the priority of all
      interrupts of 8051 to low level.
  (c) Explain any two addressing modes of RAM processor with suitable examples. 04
2. (a) Analyze the given subroutine and answer the following :-
     MVIC,  O5H
up MOV A, C
     JNZ up
(i) Calculate the time delta produced by the given subroutine. Assume the crystal
     crystal frequency of 8085 to 6MHZ.
(ii) Calculate the maximum time delay that can be produced by the given subroutine.
      Assume the crystal frequency of 8085 to 6 MHZ.
  (b) Draw and explain the internal Memory Organization of 8051. 10
3. (a) Assume an oscillator running at 12 MHZ controls 8051 micro controller. Write a program to generate 2 KHZ square wave on P 1.0 using Timer 0 in mode 1. 10
  (b) Interface 8155  to 8085 in memory mapped I/O mode using Absolute decoding technique. 10
4. (a) Analyze the given program and answer  the following :-
     MVIA, 4 BH
(i) What is status (Masked / Unmasked) of 5 Hardware interrupts of 8085 after
     executing the program and why?
(ii) What is the status of SOD pin after executing the program and why?
  (b) (i) Draw and explain the internal structure of port 0 of 8051.
(ii) Explain the features of port 3 of 8051.
5. (a) Interface single 8259 to 8085 in I/O mode using Absolute recoding technique. 10
  (b) (i) Compare the Power down mode and Idle mode of 8051.
(ii) Explain any four, bit level instructions of 8051.
6. (a) (i) Write a program to continuously turn ON and OFF a LED Connected to PC5 of
      port C of 8255 using BSR mode (8255 is connected to 8085).
(ii) Specify the number of Machine syoes, T-states, addressing mode and number
     of bytes for the instruction POP PSW and INR M of 8085.
  (b) Explain the key features of ARM Processor Architecture. 10
7. (a) Draw and explain Timing Diagram for the instruction LDAX B of 8085. 10
  (b) Specify and explain any five instruction LDAX of ARM processor. 10

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