(3 Hours) [Total Marks:-100]Q.1 A. Design 8086 microprocessor based system with following specifications [12 Marks]
(i) 8086 microprocessor working at 8 MHz.
(ii) 32 KB EPROM using 16 KB chips
(iii) 32 KB SRAM using 16 KB chips
b) Compare 80286 microprocessor and 80386 microprocessor on the basis of [3 Marks]
(i) Number of address lines
(ii) Number of data lines
(iii) Number of segment registers
c) Write a program for PIC 18 to configure PORTA for input, PORTB and PORTC for output.
Read data from PORTA and transfer it to PORTB and PORTC. [5 Marks]
Q.2 a) Draw PSW of 8086 microprocessor and explain setting of different bits with
example. [10 Marks]
b) Discuss different data transfer modes of DMA controller 8257. [6 Marks]
c) Write function of following 8086 microprocessor pins. [4 Marks]
i) LOCK ii) QS0 iii) QS1
Q.3 a) Write addressing modes of following 8086 microprocessor instructions. [5 Marks]
i) MOV CL, 25H ii) MOV [SI],BX
iii) ADD BX,DX iv) SUB CL, [BX+SI]
v) IN AL,80 H
b) Explain data and program memory organization of PIC 18. [10 Marks]
c) Discuss pipelining used in PIC 18. [5 Marks]
Q.4 a) Draw block diagram of a typical I/O port pin of PIC 18. Which are the different register
involved in the operation of I/O ports of PIC 18 and write their operation. [10 Marks]
b) Which are the different methods used for program loop. Explain each method in
short. [10 Marks]
Q.5 a) Explain following instructions of PIC 18. [10 Marks]
i) CLRF F,a ii) BCF F,b,a
ii) DAW iii) CPFSEQ F,a
v) BC n
b) Explain maximum mode of 8086 microprocessor. [10 Marks]
Q.6 a) Draw timing diagram for write operation in minimum mode of 8086 and
explain. [10 Marks]
b) Explain different string primitives of 8086 microprocessor. [10 Marks]
Q.7 Write note on (Any Two): [20 Marks]
i) Instruction formats of PIC 18
ii) Interrupt structure of 8086 microprocessor
iii) Assembler directives
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