B.E. Computer Science (CS), December 2012.
KR- 1899
(3 Hours)
[Total Mark: 100]
N. B.: (1) Question no 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four questions out of the remaining questions.
1. (a) Model the following as Fuzzy set using suitable membership function “number close to 6”. ---- (5 Marks)
(b) Draw CANFIS architecture for Sugeno Fuzzy Model. ---- (5 Marks)
(c) Explain the different Fuzzy membership function. ---- (5 Marks)
(d) Explain Single Continues perceptron training Algorithm (SCPTA). ---- (5 Marks)
2. Design a Fuzzy controller to determine the wash time of domestic washing. Assume that input is dirt and grease on clothes. Use three descriptor for input variables. Derive set of rules for control the action and defuzzification. The design should be supported by the figures. Show that if the clothes are soiled to a larger degree the wash time will be more and vice- versa. ---- (20 Marks)
3. (a) Prove the following identities: ---- (10 Marks)
(i) For unipolar continuous activation function f ‘ (net) = O(1 - O)
(ii) For bipolar continuous activation function f ‘ (net) = O(1- O2) / 2
Where O is out.
(b) Explain Genetic Algorithm with the help of example. --- (10 Marks)
4. (a) Explain Error back propagation training algorithm with the help of a flowchart. ---- (10 Marks)
(b) Explain any four defuzzification methods with suitable Example. ---- (10 Marks)
5. (a) Explain with an example McCulloch – pitts neuron model. --- (6 Marks)
(b) Explain with neat diagram supervised and unsupervised learning. --- (6 Marks)
(c) State the different properties of Fuzzy set. ---- (8 Marks)
6. (a) Describe the basic Hopfield model and give the theory of energy Minimization in auto- associative Hopfield network. ---- (10 Marks)
(b) Explain the architecture of Bidirectional associative memory. Hoe is stored and retrieval performed in BAM? ---- (10 Marks)
7. Write short notes on any two of the following: ----- (20 Marks)
(a) TSP using simulated Annealing
(b) RBF network
(c) Multicategory perception training algorithm. (MCTPA).
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