Friday, July 4, 2014

ROBOTICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (RAI), B.E. Computer Science (CS), Semester 7, December 2011. Intelligent System.


B.E. Computer Science (CS), Semester 7, December 2011.

Intelligent System.
MP - 4687
(3 Hours)
[Total Mark: 100]

N. B.: (1) Question no 1 is compulsory.

(2) Attempt any four questions out of the remaining six questions.

1. (a) Define Automation. Differentiate between soft and hard automation. --- (5 Marks)

(b) List and define Kinematic parameters. ---- (5 Marks)

(c) Explain in brief various types of work envelopes. ---- (5 Marks)

(d) Explain fundamental rotation. Develop fundamental rotation matrices. --- (5 Marks)

2. (a) Define Direct Kinematics. Develop arm equation for 5-axis RHINO XR3 robot with the help of D-H Algorithm. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Explain PnP operation with sketches. ---- (10 Marks)

3. (a) Obtain Inverse Kinematic Solution for 4 axis SCARA robot. ---- (10 Marks)

(b) Explain various template matching algorithms and compare them. ---- (10 Marks)

4. (a) Classify robot as per workspace and explain in brief. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Explain Bounded Deviation Algorithm (BDA) to obtain straight line motion. --- (10 Marks)

5. (a) List various workspace fixtures and explain them in brief. --- (10 Marks)

(b) State the role of shrink and swell operators in robot vision. Differentiate between these operators with suitable examples. --- (10 Marks)

6. (a) List various specifications of robot and explain at least 6 significant specifications with sketches wherever required. --- (10 Marks)

(b) Explain configuration space and also the role of G. V. D. in task planning. --- (10 Marks)

7. Write short notes on the following:- --- (20 Marks)

(a) NC VS CNC machines

(b) Interpolated motion

(c) Perspective transformations

(d) Tool Configuration Vector (TCV).

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